Management & Organisational Behaviour


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AUTHORS: Dr. Basavaraj S. Kudachimath , Anita B S 

ISBN : 978-93-6180-997-2



Course Code: MBA 101


Management & Organisational Behaviour

Module- I (9 Hours)

Introduction, Meaning, Objectives, Differences between Administration and Management, Levels of Management, Kinds of Managers, Managerial roles, Historical evolution of Management thought, Contemporary issues in Management Sustainability, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in the Workplace.



Module -II  (9 Hours)

Planning: Importance, Process, Benefits of Planning, Types of Plans, Planning Tools and Techniques. Organising: Meaning, Types of Organisation Structures, Traditional Structures, Directions in organisation Structures. Leading: Meaning, Nature, Traits and Behaviour, Contingency Approaches to Leadership, Transformational Leadership. Controlling: Meaning, Importance, Steps in the Control Process, Types of Control. 



Module-III (7 Hours)

Organisational Behaviour: Introduction, Meaning, History of Organisational Behaviour, Organisational Effectiveness, Organisational Learning Process, Stakeholders, OB in a Global Context. 


Module-IV (9 Hours)

Introduction, MARS Model of Individual Behaviour and Performance, Types of Individual Behaviour, Personality in Organisation, Values in the Workplace, Types of Values, Perception: Meaning, Model of Perceptual Process. Emotions in the Workplace, Types of Emotions, Circumplex Model of Emotion, Attitudes and Behaviour, Work-related Stress and its Management. Motivation: Meaning, Maslows Hierarchy of Needs, Four Drive Theory of Motivation. 


Module-V (8 Hours)

Teams: Meaning of Teams, Advantages of Teams, Model of Team Effectiveness, Stages of Team Development. Power& Politics: Meaning, Sources, Contingencies of Power, Consequences of Power, Politics in organisation. Conflict and Negotiation in the workplace: Constructive & Relationship conflict, Conflict Process Model, Structural sources of Conflict Management, Resolving Conflict through Negotiation and Third-Party Conflict Resolution.


Module-VI  (8 Hours)

Organisational Culture: Meaning, Elements of Organisational Culture, Importance of Organisational Culture. Organisational Change: Meaning, Resistance to change, Approaches to Organisational Culture, Action Research Approach, Appreciative Inquiry Approach, Large Group Intervention Approach, Parallel Learning Structure Approach, and Ethical issues of Organisational Behaviour.


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