Business Laws


Tax excluded


ISBN - 978-93-5480-685-8

Authors - Dr. Ajay Kumar , Dr. Rakesh Kumar Yadav 



Unit I                                                                                                                                                     

The Indian Contract Act, 1872: Nature of Contract and its essentials, Void, Valid and Voidable Contracts, Consent, Consideration and its’ impact on Contract, Agreements in restraint of Trade, Performance, Breach of Contract and remedies,  revocation and termination of Contract, Agency and Bailment Contracts, Contract of Indemnity, Contract of Guarantee and Pledge.                                                            (14 Hours            

Unit II

The Sale of Goods Act, 1930:  Objective, Definition of Contract of sale, Sale and Agreement to Sell, Definition of Goods, Conditions and Warranties, Implied Conditions and Implied Warranties,  Performance of Contract of Sale and Right of unpaid seller, rights of sellers and buyers, transfer of  property. Unpaid seller and rights of unpaid seller.

Indian Partnership Act 1932: Definition of Partnership, Registration of Partnership Firm, Rights and duties of Partners, Dissolution of Partnership and Partnership firm.

Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008: Formation and Incorporation of LLP, Partners and their relations, Financial Disclosures, Conversion into LLP, Foreign LLP.                                        (18 Hours)

Unit III

The Companies Act 2013 with up-to-date Amendments: Essential characteristics of a Company, Types of Companies, Memorandum and Articles of Association, Prospectus, Essential conditions for a valid Meeting, Kinds of Meetings and Resolutions; Directors and Remuneration, Directors, Managing Directors-their Appointment, Qualifications, Powers and Limits on their Remuneration, Introduction to Lifting of corporate veil, conceptual framework of formation of company, Doctrine of Ultra Vires and Doctrine of Indoor Management, Winding up of Companies.                                                                                 (14 Hours)

Unit IV

Negotiable Instruments Act: Meaning and types of Negotiable Instruments- Cheques, Promissory Notes, Bills of Exchange, Holder and Holder in due course, Types of Endorsements, Types of Crossing of Cheques, Dishonor of Cheques and Consequences.                                                       (10 Hours)

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