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AUTHORS: Dr. Preeti Sharma , Mr. Vikrant Verma

ISBN : 978-93-6180-857-9




Business English


Unit 1: Functional Grammar for Business English (7 Hours)

Overview of Business English; Introduction to English as a Global Language; Introduction of Four Language Skills (L-S-R-W) for Effective Managerial Communication; Use and Corrections of Nouns & Pronouns, Verbs & Tenses, Adjectives, Adverbs, Articles and Prepositions.


Unit 2: Compositions (10 Hours) 

Sentence Types (Simple, Compound, and Complex), Use and Corrections of Conjunction, Uses of Phrases and Clause; Transformations (Active-Passive, Direct-Indirect); Summary and Paragraph Writing; Passages Comprehension.


Unit 3: Paragraph Writing and Vocabulary Building (6 Hours)

Mechanics of Writing; Features and Sub-Skills Linguistic and Discoursal Writings (Cohesion, Coherence, Style, Context and Content); Fundamentals of Academic Writing, Technical Writing and Content Writing. Vocabulary Building and Concept of Word Formation – Prefixes, Suffixes, Synonyms, Antonyms, One Word Substitutions; Meaning of Important Words that are Used in Business.


Unit 4: Conversational Skills (10 Hours)

Basic English in Face-to-Face Interaction in Formal and Informal Situations: Greetings, Replying to Greetings, Introducing Others, Welcoming, Bidding Farewell; Basic Conversations for Effective Interview: Talking About Oneself (Strengths and Weakness, Likes and Dislikes, Future Plans, Describing One’s Family etc.).


Unit 5: Reading Skills (7 Hours)

Introduction to Reading Strategies- Intensive Reading and Extensive Reading; Fundamentals of Critical Reading and Critical Thinking Skills.

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