Child Health Nursing( बाल स्वास्थ्य नर्सिंग ) Bilingual Book ANM First Year

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Child Health Nursing Bilingual Book ANM 1st Year

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Buy Latest Child Health Nursing (बाल स्वास्थ्य नर्सिंग) Book in Bilingual Edition ( Both English and Hindi ) for ANM 1st Year As per Indian Nursing Counscil Syllabus By Thakur Publication.Written by Experienced Authors | Fast Delivery |

AUTHORS : Dr. T . Vayleen Sheeba , Pro.(Dr. ) Santosh .S.U  , Prof. (Dr.) Jyoti Marthe , Ms. Krishna  Kumari Samantaray 

ISBN: 978-93-6180-663-6

Syllabus ¼IkkB~;Øe½


Child Health Nursing ¼cky LokLF; uflZax½





1- Growth & Development  20

· Introduction to growth and development

· Factors affecting growth and development

· Growth and development in infants and children: Assessment

· Physical, psychological and social development of children

· Monitoring and recording of growth and development of infants and children

· Care of infants and children - play, hygiene, emotional needs, training for bowel and urination

· Accidents: causes, precautions and prevention

· Congenital anomalies

1& o`f) ,oa fodkl 20

· o`f) ,oa fodkl dk ifjp;

· o`f) ,oa fodkl dks çHkkfor djus okys dkjd

· f'k'kqvksa ,oa cPpksa esa o`f) ,oa fodkl& vk¡dyu

· cPpksa dk 'kkjhfjd] euksoSKkfud ,oa lkekftd fodkl

· f'k'kqvksa ,oa cPpksa dh o`f) ,oa fodkl dh fuxjkuh ,oa fjd‚fMaZx

· f'k'kqvksa ,oa cPpksa dh ns[kHkky & [ksy] LoPNrk] HkkoukRed vko';drk,a] ey vkSj ew= R;kx djus ds fy, çf'k{k.k

· nq?kZVuk,a& dkj.k] lko/kkfu;ka ,oa jksdFkke

· tUetkr folaxfr;k¡

2-Nutrition of Infants and Children                             20

· Exclusive Breast feeding

· Nutritional requirements

· Complementary feeding

· Problems of Breast feeding

· Breast feeding Counselling

· Infant feeding and HIV

· Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative


2& f'k'kqvksa ,oa cPpksa dk iks"k.k   20

· vuU;@fo’ks"k Lruiku

· iks"k.k laca/kh vko';drk,¡

· vuqiwjd vkgkj

· Lruiku dh leL;k,¡

· Lruiku ijke'kZ

· f'k'kq vkgkj vkSj ,pvkbZoh

· csch ÝsaMyh gkWfLiVy bfuf’k,fVo


Children's Rights                             05

· Convention of Rights of the Child

· Prevention of child labour

· Abuse and legal protection

· Special care of girl child

· Female infanticide



3 cky vf/kdkj                  05

· cky vf/kdkj lEesyu

· cky Je dh jksdFkke

· 'kks"k.k vkSj dkuwuh lqj{kk

· ckfydkvksa dh fo'ks"k ns[kHkky

· dU;k Hkzw.k gR;k



4- Care of the Sick Child                 10

· Common childhood disorders:

· Signs, symptoms and management

· Vaccine for preventable diseases

· Acute Respiratory Tract Infections

· Diarrhoea, Vomiting, Constipation

· Tonsillitis and Mumps

· Ear infections

· Worm infestation

· Accidents and injuries

· Skin infections

· Fever - Malaria, Measles

· IMNCI strategy


4& chekj cPps dh ns[kHkky       10

· cpiu esa gksus okys lkekU; fodkj&

· ladsr] y{k.k vkSj çca/ku •

· jksdFkke ;ksX; chekfj;ksa ds fy, Vhdk

· rhoz 'olu ekxZ laØe.k

· nLr] mYVh] dCt

· V‚fUlykbfVl vkSj d.Bekyk

· dku esa laØe.k

· —fe laØe.k

· nq?kZVuk,¡ vkSj pksVsa

· Ropk laØe.k

· cq[kkj & eysfj;k] [kljk

· IMNCI j.kuhfr


5- Care of School Children                  15

· School Health: Objectives, problems and programmes, Environment of school

· Assessment of general health of school children

· Dental and eye problems

· Nutritional deficiencies

· School health education for children 

· Need based sharing of health information with teachers/ parents/children

· Records and reports

5& Ldwyh cPpksa dh ns[kHkky      15

· Ldwy LokLF;& mn~ns';] leL;k,¡ vkSj dk;ZØe] Ldwy dk okrkoj.k

· Ldwyh cPpksa ds lkekU; LokLF; dk vk¡dyu

· nar vkSj us= laca/kh leL;k,¡

· iks"k.k laca/kh dfe;k¡

· cPpksa ds fy, Ldwy LokLF; f'k{kk

· f'k{kdksa@vfHkHkkodksa@cPpksa ds lkFk LokLF; laca/kh tkudkjh dks vko';drk vuqlkj lk>k djuk

· fjd‚MZ vkSj fjiksVZ

6- Care of Adolescents                      05

· Physical growth during adolescence

· Emotional and behavioural changes in girls and boys

· Special needs of adolescents

· Sex education for adolescents

· Counselling

6& fd'kksjksa dh ns[kHkky         05

· fd'kksjkoLFkk ds nkSjku 'kkjhfjd fodkl

· yM+fd;ksa vkSj yM+dksa esa HkkoukRed vkSj O;ogkfjd ifjorZu

· fd'kksjksa dh fo'ks"k t:jrsa •

· fd'kksjksa ds fy, ;kSu f'k{kk •

· ijke’kZ

7- Care of Adolescent Girls               05

· Menstruation and menstrual hygiene

· Special nutritional needs

· Early marriage and its affects

· Adolescent Girls: Pregnancy and Abortion

· Preparing for family life- Pre marital counseling

· Role of ANM/female health worker

7&fd'kksfj;ksa dh ns[kHkky        05

· ekfld /keZ vkSj ekfld /keZ LoPNrk

· fo'ks"k iks"k.k laca/kh t:jrsa

· de mez esa 'kknh vkSj mlds çHkko•

· fd'kksfj;k¡& xHkkZoLFkk vkSj xHkZikr

· ikfjokfjd thou dh rS;kjh& fookg iwoZ ijke’kZ •

· ,,u,e@efgyk LokLF; dk;ZdrkZ dh Hkwfedk


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