Primary Health Care (Prevention of Disease and Restoration of Health ) Bilingual ANM First Year

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Primary Health Care Bilingual Book ANM 1st Year

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Buy Latest Primary Health Care (Prevention of Disease and Restoration of Health ) Book in Bilingual Edition ( Both English and Hindi ) for ANM 1st Year As per Indian Nursing Counscil Syllabus By Thakur Publication. Written by Experienced Authors | Fast Delivery |

AUTHORS: Prof.  Vineeta  Das , Prof. Santoshini  Jena  , Dr.Vipin Kumar Saket,Pragya Minj

ISBN : 978-93-6180-504-2

Syllabus ¼ikB~;Øe½



Primary Health Care (Prevention of Disease and Restoration of Health) [çkFkfed LokLF; ns[kHkky ¼jksxksa dh jksdFkke ,oa LokLF; ykHk½]


A - Infection and Immunization ¼laØe.k ,oa Vhdkdj.k½




1 - Concept of Disease

· Concept and definition of illness

· Disease causation

· Classification of diseases

1 & jksx dh vo/kkj.kk

· jksx dh vo/kkj.kk vkSj ifjHkk"kk

· jksx ds dkj.k

· jksxksa dk oxhZdj.k

2 - Infection

· Meaning and types of infection

· Causes of infection

· Classification and characteristics of micro organisms: Pathogenic and Non-pathogenic

· Incubation period and spread of infection – transmission

· Factors affecting growth and destruction of microbes

2 & laØe.k

· laØe.k dk ifjp; vkSj çdkj

· laØe.k ds dkj.k

· lw{ethoksa dk oxhZdj.k vkSj y{k.k& jksxtud vkSj xSj&jksxtud

· laØe.k dh Å"ek;u vof/k vkSj QSyuk & lapj.k

· lw{ethoksa ds o`f) vkSj fouk'k dks çHkkfor djus okys dkjd

3 - Immunity and Body Defense Mechanisms

· Body's defense mechanism

· Immunity – concept

· Hypersensitivity: Antigen antibody reaction

· Types of immunity

· Types of vaccines

· Storage and care - cold chain maintenance

3 & çfrj{kk ,oa 'kjhj dh çfrjks/kd {kerk

· 'kjhj dh izfrjks/kd {kerk

· çfrj{kk & vo/kkj.kk

· vfrlaosnu'khyrk&,aVhtu ,aVhcMh çfrfØ;k

· çfrj{kk ds çdkj

· Vhds ds çdkj

· HkaMkj.k vkSj ns[kjs[k & dksYM psu j[kj[kko

4 - Immunization

· Immunization against different infections – immunization schedule

· Injection safety

· Methods of administering vaccine

· Sterilization of syringes and needles

· Immunization in the community

· Immunization hazards

· Precautions while giving vaccines

· Special immunization drives and programmes

· Records and reports

4 & Vhdkdj.k

· fofHkUu laØe.kksa ds fo#) Vhdkdj.k & Vhdkdj.k vuqlwph

· batsD'ku dh lqj{kk

· oSDlhu yxkus dh fof/k;k¡

· flfjat vkSj lqb;ksa dk LVjykbts’ku

· leqnk; esa Vhdkdj.k

· Vhdkdj.k ds [krjs

· oSDlhu yxkrs le; lko/kkfu;k¡

· fo'ks"k Vhdkdj.k vfHk;ku vkSj dk;ZØe

· fjdMZ vkSj fjiksVZ

5 - Collection of Specimen

· Principles and methods of collection of specimens and handling body discharges

· Collection of specimens of blood, sputum, urine, stool

· Safe disposal of body discharges

5 & uewuk ,df=r djuk

· uewuksa rFkk 'kjhj ds lzkoksa dks ,df=r djus ds fl)kar vkSj fof/k;k¡

· jDr] cyxe] ew=] ey ds uewus ,d= djuk

· 'kjhj ds lzkoksa dk lqjf{kr fuiVku

6 - Disinfection and Sterilization

· Principles and methods of antisepsis, disinfection and sterilization

· Methods of disinfecting different equipments

· Methods of sterilizing different equipments

6 & jksxk.kquk’ku ,oa folaØe.k

· ,aVhlsfIll] jksxk.kquk’kd vkSj folaØe.k dk fl)kar vkSj fof/k;k¡

· fofHkUu midj.kksa dks jksxk.kqjfgr djus dh fof/k;k¡

· fofHkUu midj.kksa dks folaØfer djus dh fof/k;k¡

7 - Waste Disposal

· Waste disposals-infectious and non infectious: concepts. principles, and methods at different levels

7 & vif'k"V fuiVku

· vif'k"V fuiVku&laØked vkSj vlaØked& fofHkUu Lrjksa ij vo/kkj.kk,¡] fl)kar vkSj fof/k;k¡


B - Communicable Diseases ¼laØked jksx½



1 - Introduction to Communicable Diseases

· Common communicable diseases; Epidemiological concepts – Incidence and prevalence, mortality and morbidity

· Levels of prevention

· Control and prevention of communicable diseases General measures

· Surveillance, isolation, notification, reporting

1 & laØked jksxksa dk ifjp;

· lkekU; laØked jksx& ,fiMsfe;ksykWftdy@egkekjh foKku laca/kh vo/kkj.kk,¡ & ?kVuk vkSj çpyu] e`R;q nj vkSj vLoLFkrk nj

· jksdFkke ds Lrj

· laØked jksxksa ds fu;a=.k vkSj jksdFkke ds fy, lkekU; mik;

· fuxjkuh] ​​vyxko] vf/klwpuk] fjiksfVaZx

2 - Communicable Diseases

· Signs, symptoms, care and prevention of the following:

Diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, poliomyelitis, measles and tuberculosis

Chicken pox, mumps, rubella, enteric fever, hepatitis, rabies, malaria, dengue, filaria, kala-azar trachoma, conjunctivitis, scabies, STDs and HIV/AIDS



Acute respiratory infections

Diarrhoeal diseases

Worm infestations


Role and responsibilities of health worker/ANM

2 & laØked jksx

· fuEufyf[kr ds ladsr] y{k.k] ns[kHkky vkSj jksdFkke&

fMIFkhfj;k] dkyh [kk¡lh] fVVusl] iksfy;ksfeykbfVl] [kljk vkSj risfnd

pspd] xylqvk] :csyk] vka= Toj] gsisVkbfVl] jscht] eysfj;k] Msaxw] Qkbysfj;k] dkyktkj] Vªsdksek] datafDVokbfVl] [kqtyh] ;kSu lapkfjr jksx vkSj ,p-vkbZ-oh@,M~l



rhoz 'olu laØe.k

Mk;fj;k laca/kh chekfj;k¡

—fe laØe.k

dq"B jksx

LokLF; dk;ZdrkZ@,-,u-,e- dh Hkwfedk vkSj ftEesnkfj;k¡

3 - Care in Communicable Diseases

· Care of patients with communicable diseases.

· Isolation methods

· Standard safety measures (Universal precautions)

· Health education and messages for different communicable diseases

· Role and responsibilities of health worker /ANM

3 & laØked jksxksa esa ns[kHkky

· laØked jksxksa ls xzLr ejhtksa dh ns[kHkkyA

· vyxko fof/k;k¡

· ekud lqj{kk mik; ¼loZxr@fo’oO;kih lko/kkfu;k¡½

· fofHkUu laØked jksxksa ds fy, LokLF; f'k{kk vkSj lans'k

· LokLF; dk;ZdrkZ@,-,u-,e- dh Hkwfedk vkSj ftEesnkfj;k¡

4 - Epidemic Management

· Definitions and causes of epidemics

· Epidemic enquiry in a community and epidemic mapping

· Relief work and role of health worker/ANM

4 & egkekjh çca/ku

· egkekjh dh ifjHkk"kk,¡ vkSj dkj.k

· leqnk; esa egkekjh dh tk¡p vkSj egkekjh ekufp=.k

· jkgr dk;Z vkSj LokLF; dk;ZdrkZ@,-,u-,e- dh Hkwfedk


C - Community Health Problems ¼lkeqnkf;d LokLF; leL;k,¡½



1 -  Care of the Sick in the Community

· Common health conditions in the community -danger signs of illnesses

· Health assessment: Taking history, Physical examination: Vital signs. Weight, Height: recognition of abnormalities

· Identification of health problems

· Management of the sick: home and community nursing procedures, care of the sick, referral

· Health education: individual and family

1 & leqnk; esa jksfx;ksa dh ns[kHkky

· leqnk; esa lkekU; LokLF; fLFkfr;k¡ & chekjh ds xaHkhj y{k.k

· LokLF; vk¡dyu& jksxh dk fooj.k ysuk] 'kkjhfjd ijh{k.k& tSfod fpUgA otu] ÅapkbZ& vlkekU;rkvksa dh igpku

· LokLF; leL;kvksa dh igpku

· jksxh dk çca/ku& ?kj vkSj leqnk; uflaZx çfØ;k,¡] jksxh dh ns[kHkky] jsQjy

· LokLF; f'k{kk& O;fDrxr vkSj ikfjokfjd

2 - Fever

· Vital signs: Temperature, pulse, respiration, blood, pressure

· Temperature maintenance and the physiology of fever

· Fever: Types and stages

· Causes of fever - common conditions causing fever, malaria, typhoid, Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI), etc.

· Nursing management of patient with fever

· Alternate system of medicine

2 & cq[kkj

· tSfod fpUg& rkieku] ukM+h] 'olu] jDrpki

· rkieku j[kj[kko vkSj cq[kkj dh dkf;Zdh

· cq[kkj& çdkj vkSj voLFkk,¡

· cq[kkj dk dkj.k & cq[kkj] eysfj;k] VkbQkWbM] rhoz 'olu la

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