Community Health Nursing -I Book B.Sc Nursing 5th Sem

Community Health Nursing Book Nursing 5th Sem

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ISBN: 978-93-5755-828-0




Community Health Nursing - I

(Including Environmental Science & Epidemiology)






Concepts of Community Health and Community Health Nursing

·         Definition of public health, community health and community health nursing

·         Public health in India and its evolution and Scope of community health nursing

·         Review: Concepts of Health & Illness/Disease: Definition, dimensions and determinants of health and disease

·         Natural history of disease

·         Levels of Prevention: Primary, Secondary & Tertiary prevention – Review

·         Health problems (Profile) of India

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Health Care Planning and Organization of Health Care at Various Levels

·         Health planning steps

·         Health Planning in India: Various committees and commissions on health and family welfare and Five Year plans

·         Participation of community and stakeholders in health planning

·         Health Care Delivery System in India: Infrastructure and Health sectors, Delivery of health services at Sub-Centre (SC), PHC, CHC, district level, State level and National level

·         Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Primary Health Care and Comprehensive Primary Health Care (CPHC): Elements, Principles

·         CPHC through SC/Health Wellness Center (HWC)

·         Role of MLHP/CHP

·         National Health Care Policies and Regulations 

o    National Health Policy (1983, 2002, 2017)

o   National Health Mission (NHM): National Rural Health Mission (NRHM),

o    National Urban Health Mission (NUHM), NHM

o    National Health Protection Mission (NHPM)

o    Ayushman Bharat

o    Universal Health Coverage

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Environmental Science, Environmental Health, and Sanitation

·         Natural Resources: Renewable and non-renewable resources, natural resources and associated problems: Forest resources, water resources, mineral resources, food resources, energy resources and land resources

·         Role of individuals in conservation of natural resources, and equitable use of resources for sustainable lifestyles

·         Ecosystem: Concept, structure and functions of ecosystems, Types & Characteristics – Forest ecosystem, Grassland ecosystem, Desert ecosystem, Aquatic ecosystem, Energy flow in ecosystem

·         Biodiversity: Classification, value of bio-diversity, threats to biodiversity, conservation of biodiversity

·         Environmental Pollution: Introduction, causes, effects and control measures of Air pollution, Water pollution, Soil pollution, Marine pollution, Noise pollution, Thermal pollution, nuclear hazards & their impact on health

·         Climate Change, Global Warming: Ex. heat wave, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, waste land reclamation & its impact on health

·         Social Issues and Environment: Sustainable development, urban problems related to energy, water and environmental ethics

·         Acts related to environmental protection and preservation


Environmental Health & Sanitation

·         Concept of environment health and sanitation

·         Concept of safe water, sources of water, waterborne diseases, water purification processes, household purification of water

·         Physical and chemical standards of drinking water quality and tests for assessing bacteriological quality of water

·                   Concepts of Water Conservation: Rain water harvesting and water shed management

·         Solid waste management, human excreta disposal & management and sewage disposal and management

·         Commonly used insecticides and pesticides

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Nutrition Assessment and Nutrition Education

·         Review of Nutrition

o    Concepts, types

o    Meal Planning: Aims, steps & diet plan for different age groups

o    Nutrition assessment of individuals, families and community by using appropriate methods

·         Planning suitable diet for individuals and families according to local availability of foods, dietary habits and economic status

·         General nutritional advice

·         Nutrition Education: Purpose, principles & methods and Rehabilitation

·         Review: Nutritional deficiency disorders

·         National Nutritional Policy & programs in India


Food Borne Diseases and Food Safety Food-borne diseases

·         Definition, & burden, Causes and classification 

·         Signs & Symptoms

·         Transmission of food borne pathogens & toxins

·         Early identification, initial management and referral

Food Poisoning & Food Intoxication

·         Epidemiological features/clinical characteristics, Types of food poisoning

·         Food Intoxication-features, preventive & control measures

·         Public health response to food borne diseases

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Communication Management and Health Education

·         Behaviour change communication skills

o    Communication

o    Human behaviour

o    Health Belief Model: Concepts & definition, ways to influence behavior

o    Steps of behaviour change

o    Techniques of Behaviour Change: Guiding principles in planning BCC activity

o    Steps of BCC

o    Social and Behaviour Change Communication Strategies (SBCC): Techniques to collect social history from clients

o    Barriers to effective communication, and methods to overcome them

·         Health Promotion and Health Education: Methods/techniques, and audio-visual aids

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·         Community Health Nursing Approaches, Concepts, Roles and Responsibilities of Community Health Nursing Personnel

o    Approaches

o    Nursing process

o    Epidemiological approach

o    Problem solving approach

o    Evidence based approach


  • Empowering people to care for themselves

·                   Review: Primary health care and Comprehensive Primary Health Care (CPHC)


Home Visits:

·         Concept, Principles, Process, & Techniques: Bag technique

·         Qualities of Community Health Nurse

·         Roles and responsibilities of community health nursing personnel in family health services

·         Review: Principles & techniques of counseling

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Assisting Individuals and Families to Promote and Maintain their Health

A. Assessment of individuals and families (Review from Child health nursing, Medical surgical nursing and OBG Nursing)

·         Assessment of children, women, adolescents, elderly etc.

·         Children: Monitoring growth and development, milestones

·         Anthropometric measurements, BMI

·         Social development

·         Temperature and Blood pressure monitoring

·         Menstrual cycle

·         Breast Self-Examination (BSE) and Testicles Self Examination (TSE)

·         Warning Signs of various diseases

·         Tests: Urine for sugar and albumin, blood sugar, Hemoglobin


B. Provision of health services/primary health care:

·         Routine check-up, Immunization, counseling, and diagnosis

·         Management of common diseases at home and health centre level

o    Care based on standing orders/protocols approved by MoH&FW

o    Drugs dispensing and injections at health centre

C. Continue medical care and follow up in community for various diseases/disabilities

D. Carry out therapeutic procedures as prescribed/required for client and family

E. Maintenance of health records and reports

·         Maintenance of client records

·         Maintenance of health records at the facility level

·         Report writing and documentation of activities carried out during home visits, in the clinics/centers and field visits

F. Sensitize and handle social issues affecting health and development of the family

·         Women empowerment

·         Women and child abuse

·         Abuse of elders

·         Female foeticide

·         Commercial sex workers

·         Substance abuse


G. Utilize community resources for client and family

·         Trauma services

·         Old age homes

·         Orphanages

·         Homes for physically challenged individuals

·         Homes for destitute

·         Palliative care centres

·         Hospice care centres

·         Assisted living facility

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Introduction to Epidemiology – Epidemiological Approaches and Processes

·         Epidemiology: Concept and Definition

·         Distribution and frequency of disease

·         Aims & uses of epidemiology

·         Epidemiological models of causation of disease

·         Concepts of disease transmission

·         Modes of Transmission: Direct, Indirect and chain of infection

·         Time trends or fluctuations in disease occurrence

·         Epidemiological approaches: Descriptive, analytical and experimental

·         Principles of control measures/levels of prevention of disease

·         Investigation of an epidemic of communicable disease

·         Use of basic epidemiological tools to make community diagnosis for effective planning and intervention


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Communicable Diseases and National Health Programs

1. Communicable Diseases : Vector-borne diseases (Every disease will be dealt under the following headlines)

·         Epidemiology of the following vector-borne diseases

·         Prevention & control measures

·         Screening, and diagnosing the following conditions, primary management, referral and follow-up

o    Malaria

o    Filaria

o    Kala-azar

o    Japanese encephalitis

o    Dengue

o    Chickungunya

2. Communicable Diseases: Infectious diseases (Every disease will be dealt under the following headlines)

·         Epidemiology of the following infectious diseases

·         Prevention & Control measures

·         Screening, diagnosing the following conditions, primary management, referral and follow-up

o    Leprosy

o    Tuberculosis

o    Vaccine preventable diseases – Diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, poliomyelitis and measles

o    Enteric fever

o    Viral hepatitis

o    HIV/AIDS/RTI infections

o    HIV/AIDS, and Sexually Transmitted Diseases/ Reproductive tract infections (STIs/RTIs)

o    Diarrhoea

o    Respiratory tract infections

o    COVID-19

o    Helminthic – Soil & food transmitted and parasitic infections – Scabies and pediculosis

3. Communicable Diseases: Zoonotic diseases

·         Epidemiology of Zoonotic diseases

·         Prevention & control measures

·         Screening and diagnosing the following conditions, primary management, referral and follow up 

o    Rabies: Identify, suspect, primary management and referral to a health facility

·         Role of a nurses in control of communicable diseases

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