CHILD HEALTH NURSING-I Book B.Sc Nursing 5th Semester


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Buy Latest CHILD HEALTH NURSING-I Book in English Language for B.Sc Nursing 5th Semester AS PER INDIAN NURSING COUNCIL SYLLABUS Syllabus By Thakur publication. Written by Experienced Authors | Fast & All India Delivery |

AUTHORS: Prof. (Dr.) M. Kavimani,Ms.Krishna Kumari Samantaray , Mr. Sonu Kumar Sharma 

ISBN : 978-93-5755-568-5




Child Health Nursing-I




Learning Outcomes





Explain the modern Concept of child-care







Describe National policy, programs and legislation in relation to child health & welfare





Describe role of preventive pediatrics





List major causes of death during infancy, early & late childhood


Differentiate between an adult and child in terms of illness and response


Describe the major functions & role of the pediatric nurse in caring for a hospitalized child.


Describe the principles of child health nursing and perform child health nursing procedures

Introduction: Modern Concepts of Child[1]Care

·         Historical development of child health

·         Philosophy and modern concept of child

·         Cultural and religious considerations in child-care

·         National policy and legislations in relation to child health and welfare

·         National programs and agencies related to welfare services to the children

·         Internationally accepted rights of the child

·         Changing trends in hospital care, preventive, promotive and curative aspect of child health

·         Preventive pediatrics:

o    Concept

o    Immunisation

o    Immunisation programs and cold chain

o    Care of under-five and Under-five Clinics/Well-baby clinics

o    Preventive measures towards accidents

·         Child morbidity and mortality rates

·         Difference between an adult and child which affect response to illness

o    Physiological

o    Psychological

o    Social

o    Immunological

·         Hospital environment for sick child

·         Impact of hospitalization on the child and family

·         Communication techniques for children

·         Grief and bereavement

·         The role of a child health nurse in caring for a hospitalized child

·         Principles of pre and postoperative care of infants and children.

Child Health Nursing Procedures:

·         Administration of medication: oral, I/M, & I/V

·         Calculation of fluid requirement

·         Application of restraints

·         Assessment of pain in children.

o    FACES pain rating scale

o    FLACC scale

o    Numerical scale





Describe the normal growth and development of children at different ages


Identify the needs of children at different ages & provide parental guidance


Identify the nutritional needs of children at different ages & ways

of meeting needs


Identify the role of play for normal & sick children

The Healthy Child

·         Definition and principles of growth and development

·         Factors affecting growth and development

·         Growth and development from birth to adolescence

·         Growth and developmental theories (Freud, Erickson, Jean Piaget, Kohlberg)

·         The needs of normal children through the stages of developmental and parental guidance

·         Nutritional needs of children and infants

o    Breast feeding

o    Exclusive breast feeding

o    Supplementary/artificial Feeding and


·         Baby friendly hospital concept

·         Types and value of play and selection of play material




Provide care to normal and high- risk neonates


Perform neonatal resuscitation



Recognize and manage common neonatal problems

Nursing Care of Neonate:

·         Appraisal of Newborn

·         Nursing care of a normal newborn/essential newborn care

·         Neonatal resuscitation

·                   Nursing management of low birth weight baby

·         Kangaroo mother care

·         Nursing management of common neonatal disorder

o    Hyperbilirubinemia

o    Hypothermia

o    Hyperthermia

o    Metabolic disorder

o    Neonatal infections

o    Neonatal seizures

o    Respiratory distress syndrome

o    Retinopathy of Prematurity

·         Organization of neonatal care unit

·         Neonatal equipment






Apply principles and strategies of IMNCI

Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illnesses


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Describe the etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestation and nursing management of children with disorders of respiratory, and endocrine system

Nursing Management in Common Childhood Diseases

Respiratory System:

·         Identification and Nursing management of congenital malformations

·         Congenital disorders: Tracheoesophageal fistula, Diaphragmatic hernia

·         Others: Acute naso-pharyngitis,

Tonsillitis, Croup, Bronchitis,

Bronchiolitis, Pneumonia, Asthma

Endocrine System:

·         Juvenile Diabetes mellitus, Hypo-thyroidism

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Develop ability to meet child- hood emergencies and perform child CPR

Childhood Emergencies

·         Accidents – causes and prevention, Poisoning, Foreign bodies, Hemorrhage, Burns and Drowning

·         PLS (AHA Guidelines)

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