( Ancient History ) Political History of India (From 319 A.D to 1206 A.D ) भारत का राजनीतिक इतिहास Bihar B.A Second Sem

( Ancient History ) Political History of India B.A 2nd Sem

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Buy Latest ( Ancient History ) Political History of India (From 319 A.D to 1206 A.D ) (Major/Minor) भारत का राजनीतिक इतिहास Book in Hindi Language for B.A 2nd Semester Uniform Syllabus for all Universities of Bihar AS PER NEP 2020 By Thakur publication.

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AUTHORS : Dr. Sudhanshu Srivastava 

ISBN : 978-93-5755-534-0



Subject: Ancient History


MJC 2: Political History of India

(From 319 A.D.-1206 A.D.)


Unit-1: Early History of the Gupta

·         Chandragupta-I

·         Samudragupta

·         Chandragupta-II

·         Kumaragupta-I and Skandagupta

·         Huna Invasion and the down fall of Gupta Empire


Unit-2: The Vakataka and Later Gupta

·         A brief History of Vakataka dynasty

·         Vindhyasakti, Pravarasena-I Rudrasena-I, Prthvisena-I, Rudrasena II,

·         Pravarasen-II

·         Later Guptas

·         Maukharis


Unit-3: History of Kannauj

·         Pusyabhuti

·         Achievement of Harshavardhana

·         Yasovarman


Unit-4: Dynasties of North India

·         Political History of Kashmir (Karkota dynasty)

·         Tha Palas: Achievements of Dharampala and Devpala

·         The Pratiharas

·         The Arab and Turk invasion on India

·         Political History of Sindh


Unit-5: Dynasties of South India

·         Political and Cultural achievements of Pallavas

·         Achievements of Pulkesin-II

·         Achievements of Rastrakutas, Govind-III

·         Northern invasion of Rastrakutas

·         Achievements of Rajraj-I and Rajendra Chola



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