Biochemistry and Physiology (Zoology) Book B.Sc 2nd Sem


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Buy Latest Biochemistry and Physiology B.Sc. 2nd Sem Zoology Book in English specially designed for All U.P State Universities CCSU, DBRAU, MGKVP, PRSU,MJPRU etc.

ISBN - 978-935480-389-5

Authors- Dr. Dev Brat Mishra , Dr. Kumud Rai




                   Biochemistry and Physiology


Unit No.


Total No. of

Lectures (60)



Structure and Function of Biomolecules

  • Structure and Biological importance of carbohydrates (Monosaccharides, Disaccharides, Polysaccharides and Glycoconjugates)

  • Lipids (saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, Tri-acylglycerols, Phospholipids, Glycolipids, Steroids)

  • Structure, Classification and General properties of α-amino acids; Essential and non-essential α-amino acids, Levels of organization in proteins; Simple and conjugate proteins.




Enzyme Action and Regulation

  • Nomenclature and classification of enzymes; Cofactors; Specificity of enzyme action

  • Isozymes; Mechanism of enzyme action

  • Enzyme kinetics; Factors affecting rate of enzyme-catalyzed reactions; Derivation of Michaelis-Menten equation, Concept of Km and Vmax, Lineweaver-Burk plot; Enzyme inhibition;

  • Allosteric enzymes and their kinetics; Regulation of enzyme action







Metabolism of Carbohydrates and Lipids

  • Metabolism of Carbohydrates: glycolysis, citric acid cycle, gluconeogenesis, phosphate pentose pathway

  • Glycogenolysis and Glycogenesis

  • Lipids --- Biosynthesis of palmitic acid; Ketogenesis,

  • β-oxidation and omega -oxidation of saturated fatty acids with even and odd number of carbon atoms






Metabolism of Proteins and Nucleotides

  • Catabolism of amino acids: Transamination, Deamination, Urea cycle

  • Nucleotides and vitamins

  • Review of mitochondrial respiratory chain, Oxidative phosphorylation, and its regulation




Digestion and Respiration

  • Structural organization and functions of gastrointestinal tract and associated glands

  • Mechanical and chemical digestion of food; Absorptions of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, water, minerals and vitamins; Histology of trachea and lung

  • Mechanism of respiration, Pulmonary ventilation; Respiratory volumes and capacities; Transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide in blood Respiratory pigments, Dissociation curves and the factors influencing it; Control of respiration







Circulation and Excretion

  • Components of blood and their functions

  • Haemostasis: Blood clotting system, Blood groups: Rh factor, ABO and MN

  • Structure of mammalian heart

  • Cardiac cycle; Cardiac output and its regulation, Electrocardiogram, Blood pressure and its regulation

  • Structure of kidney and its functional unit; Mechanism of urine formation



Nervous System and Endocrinology

  • Structure of neuron, resting membrane potential

  • Origin of action potential and its propagation across the myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fibers

  • Types of synapse

  • Endocrine glands - pineal, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas, adrenal; hormones secreted by them

  • Classification of hormones; Mechanism of Hormone action



Muscular System

  • Histology of different types of muscle; Ultra structure of skeletal muscle;

  • Molecular and chemical basis of muscle contraction; Characteristics of

  • muscle twitch; Motor unit, summation and tetanus


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