Vector Calculus, Differential Equation and Transforms


(₹70.00 Book)

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Module 1


Calculus of Vector Functions

Vector valued function of single variable, derivative of vector function and geometrical interpretation, motion along a curve-velocity, speed and acceleration. Concept of scalar and vector fields , Gradient and its properties, directional derivative , divergence and curl, Line integrals of vector fields, work as line integral, Conservative vector fields , independence of path and potential function(results without proof).


Module 2


Vector Integral Theorems

Green’s theorem (for simply connected domains, without proof) and applications to evaluating line integrals and finding areas. Surface integrals over surfaces of the form z = g(x, y), y = g(x, z) or x = g(y, z) , Flux integrals over surfaces of the form z = g(x, y), y = g(x, z) or x = g(y, z), divergence theorem (without proof) and its applications to finding flux integrals, Stokes’ theorem (without proof) and its applications to finding line integrals of vector fields and work done.


Module 3


Ordinary Differential Equations

Homogenous linear differential equation of second order, superposition principle,general solution, homogenous linear ODEs with constant coefficients-general solution. Solution of Euler-Cauchy equations (second order only).Existence and uniqueness (without proof). Non homogenous linear ODEs-general solution, solution by the method of undetermined coefficients (for the right hand side of the form

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