Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management Book for Mba 2nd semester Bharathiar University

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Buy Latest Human Resource Management Book for Mba 2nd Semester in English language specially designed for BU ( Bharathiar University,Tamil Nadu) By Thakur publication.

P. Rajappan, M. Gowrisankar and K. Jothimani
MBA, Semester–II, According to the syllabus of Bharathiar UniversityCoimbatore
Unit-I: Human Resource Function
Human Resource Philosophy - Changing Environments of HRM - Strategic Human Resource Management - Using HRM to Attain Competitive Advantage - Trends in HRM - Organisation of HR Departments - Line and Staff Functions - Role of HR Managers.
Unit-II: Recruitment and Placement
Job Analysis: Methods - IT and Computerised Skill Inventory - Writing Job Specification – HR and the Responsive Organisation.
Recruitment and Selection Process: Employment Planning and Forecasting - Building Employee Commitment: Promotion from within - Sources, Developing and Using Application Forms – IT and Recruiting on the Internet.
Employee Testing & Selection: Selection Process, Basic Testing Concepts, Types of Test, Work Samples & Simulation, Selection Techniques, Interview, Common Interviewing Mistakes, Designing & Conducting the Effective Interview, Small Business Applications, Computer Aided Interview.
Unit-III: Training and Development
Orientation & Training: Orienting the Employees, the Training Process, Need Analysis, Training Techniques, Special Purpose Training, Training Via the Internet.
Developing Managers: Management Development - The Responsive Managers - On-the-Job and Off-the-Job Development Techniques using HR to Build a Responsive Organisation. Management Developments and CD-Roms - Key Factor for Success.
Performance Appraisal: Methods - Problem and Solutions - MBO Approach - The Appraisal Interviews - Performance Appraisal in Practice.
Managing Careers: Career Planning and Development - Managing Promotions and Transfers.
Unit-IV: Compensation and Managing Quality
Establishing Pay plans: Basics of Compensation - Factors Determining Pay Rate – Current Trends in Compensation - Job Evaluation - Pricing Managerial and Professional Jobs - Computerised Job Evaluation.
Pay for performance and Financial incentives: Money and Motivation - Incentives for Operations Employees and Executives - Organisation Wide Incentive Plans - Practices in Indian Organisations.
Benefits and Services: Statutory Benefits - Non-Statutory (Voluntary) Benefits – Insurance Benefits - Retirement Benefits and Other Welfare Measures to Build Employee Commitment.
Unit-V: Labour Relations and Employee Security
Industrial Relation and Collective Bargaining: Trade Unions - Collective Bargaining - Future of Trade Unionism. Discipline Administration - Grievances Handling - Managing Dismissals and Separation.
Labour Welfare: Importance & Implications of Labour Legislations - Employee Health – Auditing HR Functions, Future of HRM Function.
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