Management Information Systems


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ISBN- 978-93-90972-75-3

AUTHORS- Mr. Pravesh Kumar Singh, Mr. Dileep Singh


KMB 208-   Management Information Systems

UNIT -1                                                                                                                                    

Management Information Systems - Need, Purpose and Objectives, Contemporary Approaches to MIS, Information as a Strategic Resource, Use of Information for Competitive Advantage, MIS as an Instrument for the Organisational Change. Information Technology – Characteristics and Emerging Trends, IT Capabilities and their Organisational Impact, IT Enabled Services. Transaction Processing System: Characteristics and its Importance

UNIT -II                                                                                                                                        

Information, Management and Decision Making - Attributes of Information and its Relevance to Decision Making, Types of Information. Models of Decision Making - Classical, Administrative and Herbert Simon's Models. Management Support Systems: Decision Support Systems, Group Decision Support Systems, and Executive Information Systems.

UNIT -III                                                                                                                                    

Managing Data Resources- The Need for data management, Challenges of Data Management, Data Independence, Data Redundancy, Data Consistency, Data Administration. Database Management System – Concepts and Types of DBMS, Fields, Records, Table, View, Reports and Queries. Data Warehouse and Data Mining – Characteristics and Uses of Data Warehouse, Techniques of Data Mining, Business Intelligence

Database Management System (Lab): Creation of Table, View and Reports. Basics of SQL and Running Queries.

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