Operations Management


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ISBN- 978-93-90972-76-0

AUTHORS- Dr. Saroj Kumar, Mr. Raj Kumar Singh


                    KMBN205 - Operations Management

UNIT –I Production Concepts:                                                                                              (7 sessions)

Introduction, Meaning, Nature and Scope of Production and Operations Management. Difference between Production and Operations Management. Productivity, Factors Affecting Productivity and Productivity Measurement. Work Study— Method Study and Work Measurement. Production Technology – Types of Manufacturing Processes. Plant Location and Types of Plant Layout.

UNIT –II  Operations Concepts:                                                                                           (8 sessions)

Services Scenario in India, Difference between Product and Service, Characteristics of Services, Classification of Services, Product and Service Design, Factors Affecting Service Design, Service Designing Process, Service Blueprinting, Service Capacity Planning. Dimensions of Quality in Services, Understanding Service Quality Gap, Measuring Service Quality using SERVQUAL Model. Case Studies

UNIT-III Material and Inventory Management:                                                              (10 sessions)

Types of Production Planning, Process of Production Planning and Control (PPC) – Routing, Scheduling and Loading. Master Production Schedule, Aggregate Production Planning. Types of Inventories, Inventory Control Techniques- EOQ, ABC, VED, FSN, HML and SDE (Simple Numerical Problems on Inventory Control Techniques). Just-in-Time (JIT) and KANBAN. Case Studies

UNIT-IV Supply Chain Management:                                                                                  (8 sessions)

Overview of Supply Chain Management, Conceptual Model of SCM, Supply Chain Drivers, Measuring Supply Chain Performance, Core and Reverse Supply Chain, Global Supply Chain, Inbound and Outbound Logistics, Bullwhip Effect in SCM, Push and Pull Systems, Lean Manufacturing, Agile Manufacturing, Role of IT in SCM. Demand Forecasting in Supply Chain— Simple Moving Average Method, Weighted Moving Average Method, Linear Regression and Exponential Smoothing Method. Case Studies

UNIT-V Productivity and Quality:                                                                                       (7 sessions)

TQM, Deming’s 14 Principles, Juran’s Quality Triology, PDCA Cycle, KAIZEN, Quality Circles, 7QC Tools and its 7 New Management Tools, ISO 9000-2000 Clauses, Six Sigma, Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), 5S. Case Studies

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