(Economics) Introductory Micro Economics ( परिचयात्मक सूक्ष्म अर्थशास्त्र ) B.A 1st Semester Bihar

(Economics) Introductory Micro Economics B.A 1st Semester Bihar

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Explore the latest in Economics with our introductory Micro Economics (परिचयात्मक सूक्ष्म अर्थशास्त्र) book in Hindi designed for B.A 1st Semester in Bihar. Purchase your copy today from Thakur Publication for comprehensive coverage and clear understanding of economic principles. Elevate your academic journey with our quality educational resources.

AUTHORS : Dr. Ranju Narang 

ISBN : 9789357553537



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Unit-I: Exploring the Subject Matter of Economics:

Definition of Economics, Need, Scope and Methods of Economics, Nature and subject of Economics, Problem of scarcity and Choice, Central Problem of Economy.



a)      Supply and Demand: Concept and types of demand, determinants of Individual demand/supply: demand and demand function, theory of demand and law of demand and supply exceptions to law of demand, demand supply schedule and demand/supply curve; demand for complementary and substitute goods, market versus individual demand/supply; shifts in the demand/supply curve, demand and supply together, elasticity of demand and supply, determents, measurement and application, static and dynamic demand, consumer surplus

b)      The theory of Consumer Behaviour: Cardinal and Ordinal utility analysis.


Unit-III: The Firm and Market Structure:

Nature of firm, organizing economic activity in a firm, Objective of a firm: Profit maximization vs. sales maximization, Introduction to basic idea of equilibrium of a firm, condition for producers equilibrium in short run and long run for firm and industry; total and marginal approach. Basic idea of market, concept and types of cost and revenue; total average and marginal concept, classification of market, time element in market, Characteristics of Different Market Structures along with relevant examples.


Unit-IV: The Markets for the Factors of Production:

Labour Market: Basic concepts, derived demand, productivity of an input, marginal productivity of labour, marginal revenue product, demand for labour, backward bending supply curve of labour, tax policy and labour supply, labour force participation, determination of wage rate in a perfectly competitive labour market.





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