Managerial Economics


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ISBN- 978-93-90570-00-3

AUTHORS- Dr. Sangeeta Sahni , Dr. Nitin Gupta




Managerial Economics

Unit – I

Definition, Nature, Scope & Limitation of Economics as an Art or Science. Relevance of Economics in Business Management, Nature and Scope of Managerial Economics, its Relationship with Other Subjects.


Unit – II

Meaning of Demand. Demand Theory and Objectives, Demand Analysis. Demand Schedule. Demand Curve, Laws of Demand, Elasticity of Demand Types & Measurement, Supply Analysis, Demand Forecasting.


Unit – III

Market Analysis-Nature of Market, Types of Markets and their Characteristics Pricing under Different Market Structures-Perfect, Monopoly, Oligopoly and Monopolistic Completion.


Unit – IV

Pricing Methods and Pricing Policies, Price Discrimination, National Income: Concepts and Measurements.


Unit – V

Economic Growth and Development, Business Cycle, The Balance of Payments, Inflation.

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