Diversity of Non-Chordata नॉन-कॉर्डेटा की विविधता Book B.Sc First Sem
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Buy Latest Diversity of Non-Chordata ( नॉन-कॉर्डेटा की विविधता ) (Major/Minor) Book in Bilingual Edition ( Both English and Hindi ) Language for B.Sc 1st Semester Bihar State By Thakur publication.
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AUTHORS : Dr. Lalit Gupta , Dr. Manoj Chandra Kandpaal
ISBN : 9789357553636
MJC-1: Diversity of Non-Chordata ¼ukWu&dkWMsZVk dh fofo/krk½ (Theory: 4 credits) 40hrs |
Unit |
Topics To be Covered |
No. of Lectures |
1 |
1. Introduction to Non-Chordates: General characteristics and classification (up to order) of the following Phyla: Protozoa, Porifera, Cnidaria, Ctenophora, Platyhelminthes and Nemathelminthes, Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca, Echinodermata. |
vd'ks:dh dk ifjp;& fuEufyf[kr la/k ds lkekU; y{k.k vkSj oxhZdj.k ¼x.k½ rd& çksVkstksvk] iksjhQsjk] ukbMsfj;k] VhuksQksjk] IySfVgsfYeUFkht vkSj UksesVgsfYeUFkht] ,susfyMk] vkFkksZiksMk] eksyLdk] bdkbuksMesZVkA |
8 |
2 |
2.1 Protozoa: Structure and Life cycle of Paramecium, Plasmodium, Entamoeba histolytica, Trypanosoma, L. donovani |
2-1 çksVkstksvk& iSjkehf'k;e] IykTeksfM;e] ,aVvehck fgLVksfyfVdk] fVªiSukslksek] ,y- Mksuksokuh dh lajpuk vkSj thou pØ |
10 |
2.2. Porifera: Spicules and Canal system in sponges; affinities of the Phylum |
2-2- iksfjQsjk& Liat esa dafVdk,a vkSj uky ra= la?k dh lekurk,¡ |
3 |
3.1. Cnidaria: Structure and Life Cycle: Obelia, Aurelia |
3-1- ukbMsfj;k& lajpuk vkSj thou pØ& vkscsfy;k] v‚jsfy;k |
10 |
3.2. Ctenophora: General organisation of Hormiphora; affinities of the phylum. |
3-2- VhuksQksjk& gksfeZQksjk dk lkekU; laxBu( la?k dh lekurk,¡A |
3.3. Platyhelminthes and Nemathelminthes: Structure and Life cycle of Fasciola hepatica, Taenia solium, Ascaris lumbricoides. |
3-3- IySfVgsfYeUFkht vkSj useSVgsfYeUFkht& Qkflvksyk gsisfVdk] Vhfu;k lksfy;e] ,sLdsfjl yqfEczdksbM~l dh lajpuk vkSj thou pØA |
4 |
4.1. Annelida: Earthworm, Leech: Structure, locomotion, alimentary canal Reproduction. |
4-1- ,susfyMk dsapqvk] tksad& lajpuk] xfr] vkgkj uky çtuuA |
12 |
4.2. Arthropoda: Peripatus, Adaptive variations in insect mouth parts. |
4-2- vkFkksZiksMk& isfjisVl] dhVksa ds eq[k Hkkxksa esa vuqdwyh fofo/krk,¡A |
4.3. Mollusca: Structure and Life Cycle: Unio Pila, Torsion and Detorsion in Gastropoda |
4-3- eksyLdk& lajpuk vkSj thou pØ& xSLVªksiksMk esa ;wfu;ks ikbyk] ejksM+ vkSj fo—fr |
4.4. Echinodermata: Structure: Star fish; Larval forms in Echinoderms; Water Vascular System in Echinoderms |
4-4- bdkbuksMesZVk& lajpuk& rkjk eNyh( bdkbuksMElZ esa ykokZ curk gS(bdkbuksMElZ esa ty laoguh ra= |
Total |
dqy |
40 |
MJC-1: Diversity of Non-Chordata (Practical: 2 credits) 20hrs |
Practical: |
1) |
Study of whole mount of Euglena, Amoeba, Paramecium, Monocystis; Binary fission and Conjugation in Paramecium. |
Study of Sycon; T.S. of Sycon, L.S. of Sycon; Gemmule, Hyalonema. |
Permanent stained preparation of spicules of sponges. |
Study of Obelia, Aurelia, Metridium, Physalia. |
Specimen/slide of any one Ctenophore. |
Study of adult Fasciola hepatica, Taenia solium and Ascaris (male and female). |
Study of Aphrodite, Septal nephridia and Ovary of Earthworm; Jaws of leech; Trochophore larva. |
Study of T.S. through pharynx, gizzard, and typhlosolar region of earthworm |
Study of Limulus, Scolopendra, Grasshopper, Phyllium, Praying mantis, and Palaemon, Sacculina, Cancer, Eupagurus, Apis, Musca, Salivary gland of Cockroach, Mouth parts of Mosquito. |
Study of Chiton, Dentalium, Octopus, Glochidim larva. |
Study of Asteria, Echinus, Antedon. |
MIC-1: Diversity of Non-Chordata (Theory: 2credits) 20 hrs |
Unit |
Topics to be covered |
No. of Lectures |
1 |
I. Introduction to Non-chordates General characteristics and classification (up to order) of the following Phyla: Protozoa, Porifera, Cnidaria, Ctenophora, Platyhelminthes and Nemathelminths, Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca, Echinodermata. |
I. vd'ks:dh dk ifjp;& fuEufyf[kr la/k ds lkekU; y{k.k vkSj oxhZdj.k ¼x.k½ rd& çksVkstksvk] iksjhQsjk] ukbMsfj;k] VhuksQksjk] IySfVgsfYeUFkht vkSj UksesVgsfYeUFkht] ,susfyMk] vkFkksZiksMk] eksyLdk] bdkbuksMesZVkA |
5 |
2 |
2. Structure and life history of:- (i) Protozoa - Paramecium (ii) Porifera – Sycon |
2- lajpuk ,oa thou bfrgkl& (i) çksVkstksvk & iSjkehf'k;e (ii) iksjhQsjk & lkbd‚u |
4 |
3 |
3. Structure and life history of:- (iii) Cnidaria - Obelia (iv) Platyhelminthes - Fasciola (v) Aschelminthes – Ascaris |
3- lajpuk ,oa thou bfrgkl& (iii) ukbMsfj;k & vkscsfy;k (iv) IySfVgsfYeUFkht & QSflvksyk (v) ,sLdsfYeUFkht & ,sLdsfjl |
5 |
4 |
4. Study of coelomates:- (vi) Annelida - Pheretima (vii) Arthropoda - Palaemon (viii) Mollusca - Pila (ix) Echinodermata - Asterias (x) Hemichordata - Balanoglossus |
4- lhyksesV~l dk v/;;u& (vi) ,susfyMk & QsjsfVek (vii) vkFkksZiksMk & iSyheksu (viii) eksyLdk & ikbyk (ix) bdkbuksMesZVk & ,sLVsfj;l (x) gsehdksMsZVk & cSysuksXyksll |
6 |
Total |
dqy |
20 |
MIC-1: Diversity of Non-Chordata (Practical) 10 hrs (1 credit) |
Practicals: 1. Study of whole mount of Euglena, Paramecium, Leishmania 2. Study of Sycon, Spongilla, T.S. of Sycon, L.S. of Sycon. 3. Study of Obelia, Aurelia, Gorgonia 4. Study of adult Fasciola hepatica, Taenia solium and their life stages 5. Study of Pheretima, Hirudinaria 6. Study of T.S. through pharynx, gizzard, and typhlosolar intestine of earthworm. 7. Study of Limulus, Palaemon, Apis. 8. Mouth parts of Mosquito and Cockroach. 9. Study of Pila, Unio. 10. Study of Asterias. |