Health Promotion ( स्वास्थ्य संवर्धन ) Bilingual Book ANM 1st Year

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Health Promotion Bilingual Book ANM 1st Year

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Buy Latest Health Promotion (स्वास्थ्य संवर्धन) Book in Bilingual Edition ( Both English and Hindi ) for ANM 1st Year As per Indian Nursing Counscil Syllabus By Thakur Publication. Written by Experienced Authors | Fast Delivery |

AUTHORS: Saveena bano , Pratibha Gupta ,hamina Bhandari , Mahesh Kumar 

ISBN : 978-93-6180-790-9

Syllabus ¼ikB~îØe½



Health Promotion ¼LokLF; lao/kZu½


A – Nutrition ¼iks"k.k½

1- Essential Nutrients          (10)

· Importance of nutrition in health and sickness

· Essential nutrients, functions, sources and requirements

· Classification of foods and their nutritive value

· Normal requirements at different ages.

· Balanced diet for different age group

1- vko';d iks"kd rRo              (10)

· LokLF; vkSj chekjh esa iks"k.k dk egRo

· vko';d iks"kd rRo] muds dk;Z] lzksrvkSj vko';drk,¡

· [kk| inkFkksaZ dk oxhZdj.k vkSj mudkiks"kd eku

· fofHkUu vk;qoxksZa dh lkekU; vko';drk,¡A

· fofHkUu vk;q lewgksa ds fy, larqfyr vkgkj

2- Nutritional Problems and Nutritional Deficiencies  (10)

· Deficiencies, correction, treatment and referral – protein energy malnutrition

· Vitamin and mineral deficiencies: Nutritional anaemia in women

· Under five nutrition

· The role of ANM’s/ FHW/ AWWs in supplementary food.

· Special diets of individuals for different age group.

2&iks"k.k laca/kh leL;k,¡ vkSj iks"k.k laca/kh dfe;k¡        (10)

· deh] lq/kkj] mipkj vkSj jsQjy & çksVhu ÅtkZ dqiks"k.k

· foVkfeu vkSj [kfut dh deh& efgykvksa esa iks"k.k laca/kh ,uhfe;k

· ik¡p o"kZ ls de mez ds cPpksa ds fy, iks"k.k

· iwjd Hkkstu esa lgk;d ulZ feMokbQjh  ¼ANM½@efgyk LokLF; dk;ZdrkZ ¼FHW½@vkaxuokM+h dk;ZdrkZ ¼AWW½ dh HkwfedkA  

· fofHkUu vk;q lewgksa ds fy, O;fDr;ksa ds fy, fo'ks"k vkgkjA

3- Nutritional Assessment                        (05)

· Methods of nutritional assessment of individual and family: mother and child

· Identification local food sources and their value in enriching diet.

· Food fads, taboos, customs and their influence on health.

3& iks"k.k laca/kh vk¡dyu           (05)

· O;fDr vkSj ifjokj] ek¡ vkSj cPPks ds iks"k.k laca/kh vk¡dyu dh fof/k

· LFkkuh; [kk| lzksrksa dh igpku vkSj vkgkj dks le`) cukus esa mudk egRoA

· QwM QSM] /kekZuqlkj fu"ks/k] jhfr&fjokt vkSj LokLF; ij mudk çHkkoA

4- Promotion of Nutrition                        (10)

· Planning diets and special diets for a family

· Methods of using locally available foods for special diet

· Principles and methods of cooking

· Promotion of kitchen gardens

· Food hygiene and safe preparation

· Storage and preservation

· Food adulteration

· Precautions during festivals and Melas.

4& iks"k.k dks c<+kok nsuk           (10)

· ifjokj ds fy, vkgkj vkSj fo'ks"k vkgkj dh ;kstuk

· fo'ks"k vkgkj ds fy, LFkkuh; :i ls miyC/k [kk| inkFkksaZ ds mi;ksx dh fof/k;k¡

· [kkuk idkus ds fl)kar vkSj fof/k;k¡

· fdpu xkMZu dks c<+kok nsuk

· Hkkstu dh LoPNrk vkSj lqjf{kr rS;kjh

· HkaMkj.k vkSj ifjj{k.k

· [kk| vifeJ.k ¼[kk| inkFkkZsa esa feykoV½

· R;kSgkjksa vkSj esyksa ds nkSjku lko/kkfu;k¡A


B - Human Body and Hygiene ¼ekuo 'kjhj ,oa LoPNrk½


1- The Human Body                                (20)

· Structure and functions of human body.

· Body systems and their functions digestive system respiratory system, genitourinary system, cardiovascular system, nervous system, muscular system, endocrine system, special sensory organs.

1& ekuo 'kjhj                       (20)

· ekuo 'kjhj dh lajpuk vkSj dk;ZA

· 'kjhj ds ra= vkSj muds dk;Z ikpu ra=] 'olu ra=] ew=tuukaxh ra=] ân;okfgdk ra=] raf=dk ra=] ek¡lis'kh; ra=] var%lzkoh ra=] fo'ks"k KkusfUnz;k¡A

2-Hygiene of the Body                             (05)

· Personal and individual hygiene.

Care of mouth skin, hair and nails.

Sexual hygiene

Menstrual hygiene.

· Hygiene and Comforts Needs of the Sick

· Care of Skin: Bath sponging, back care, care of pressure points, position changing.

· Care of Hair: Hair wash

· Care of Hand and Nails: Hand washing

· Care of Eyes: Eye wash

· Mouth care

· Elimination care of bowels and bladder

2& 'kjhj dh LoPNrk              (05)

· O;fDrxr ,oa Lo;a dh LoPNrkA

eqag] Ropk] cky vkSj uk[kwuksa dh ns[kHkkyA

;kSu LoPNrk

ekfld /keZ laca/kh LoPNrkA

· chekjksa dh LoPNrk vkSj vkjke dh t:jrsa

· Ropk dh ns[kHkky& ckFk Liaftax] ihB dh ns[kHkky] ncko fcanqvksa dh ns[kHkky] fLFkfr cnyukA

· ckyksa dh ns[kHkky& ckyksa dks /kksuk

· gkFk vkSj uk[kwuksa dh ns[kHkky& gkFk /kksuk

· vk¡[kksa dh ns[kHkky& vk¡[k dks /kksuk

· eq¡g dh ns[kHkky

· ey R;kx vkSj ew=k'k; dh ns[kHkky

3- Optimal Functioning the Body         (05)

· Basic human needs

-  Rest, sleep, activity, exercise, posture, etc.

-  Food, eating and drinking habits

-  Participation in social activities.

-  Self-actualisation and spiritual need.

-  Interpersonal and human relations

- Lifestyle and healthy habits.

3& 'kjhj dk b"Vre dk;Zdj.k      (05)

· euq"; dh ewyHkwr vko’;drk,¡

foJke] uhan@lksuk] xfrfof/k] O;k;ke]  eqæk] vkfnA

[kkuk [kkus vkSj ihus dh vknrsa

lkekftd xfrfof/k;ksa esa HkkxhnkjhA

vkRe&lk{kkRdkj vkSj vk/;kfRed vko’;drkA

ikjLifjd vkSj ekuoh; laca/k

thou'kSyh vkSj LoLFk vknrsaA

C - Environmental Sanitation ¼i;; LoPNrk½



1- Environmental Sanitation               (05)

· Environment Ecology for Healthy Living: Basic sanitary needs.

· Air, sunlight ventilation.

· Home Environment: Smoke, animals, water, drains, toilets, etc.

1& i;; LoPNrk               (05)

· LoLFk thou ds fy, i;kZoj.k ikfjfLFkfrdh& LoPNrk dh cqfu;knh vko’;drk,¡A

· ok;q] lwjt dk Ádk’k] osafVys'ku@laokruA

· ?kj dk okrkoj.k& /kqvk¡] tkuoj] ty] ukfy;k¡] 'kkSpky;] vkfnA

2- Safe Water                                        (05)

· Sources of water & characteristics of safe water - Sources of contamination and prevention.

· Purification of Water for Drinking: Methods- small and large scale.

· Disinfections of well, tube well, tank and pond in a village.

· Water-borne diseases and prevention.

2- lqjf{kr ty                      (05)

· ty ds lzksr vkSj lqjf{kr ty dh fo'ks"krk,¡ & lanw"k.k ds lzksr vkSj jksdFkkeA

· ihus ds fy, ikuh dk 'kqf)dj.k& fof/k;k¡& y?kq vkSj cM+s iSekus ijA

· xk¡o esa dq,¡] V~îwcosy] VSad vkSj rkykc dk dhVk.kq'kks/kuA

· tytfur jksx vkSj jksdFkkeA

3- Disposal of Excreta and Waste       (05)

· Methods of excreta disposal - Types of latrine.

· Handling animal excreta.

· Methods of waste disposal

· Hazards due to waste

3- eyew= ,oa vif'k"V dk fuiVku     (05)

 eyew= ds fuiVku dh fof/k;k¡& 'kkSpky; ds çdkjA 

 i'kq eyew= dk Áca/kuA

 vif'k"V fuiVku fof/k;k¡

 vif'k"V ds dkj.k gksus okys [krjs

4- Community Participation               (05)

· Drainage and preparation of soak pits.

· Maintaining healthy environment within around village- Cleaning and maintenance of village drains, ponds

· Common waste, excreta and animal waste - Disposal in village.

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