Employees Relations


Tax excluded


Mr. Manav Saini

ISBN-  978-93-89294-58-3



Unit –I

Industrial Relations-Concept, Theories and Evolution, System Approach to IR-Actors, Context, Web of Rules & Ideology, Trade Unionism, Impact of Trade Unions on Wages, The Trade unions Act ,1926 (with Amendments), Factories Act, 1947 (with Amendments).

Unit –II

Anatomy of Industrial Disputes. Dispute Settlement Machinery: Conciliation- Concept, Types, Conciliation Procedure and Practices in India; Adjudication – Concept and Types; Arbitration: Approaches and Types. Sexual Harassment. Industrial Disputes Act 1947, Provisions in Industrial Disputes- Lay Off, Termination Retrenchment, Closures, VRS, Anatomy of Industrial Disputes, Managing Foreign Nationals in Indian Organizations.

Unit –III

Social Security: Concept, Social Assistance, Social Insurance. Payment of wages Act,1936, Payment of Bonus Act, 1965, Workman’s Compensation Act,1923, Payment of Gratuity Act 1982.

Unit –IV

Maternity Benefit Act,1961, ESI Act 1948, Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1951. I.L.O and social Security. The Concept of Labour Welfare: Definition, Scope and Objectives, Classification of Welfare Work, Agencies for Welfare Work. Agencies for Administering Labour Welfare Laws in India.

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