Operation Management


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ISBN- 978-93-90972-33-3

AUTHORS- Mrs Priyanka Singh , Mr. Raj Kumar Singh


                   20MBA-108: OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT



Module 1

Introduction to Operations Management-  Systems Concept- Transformation Process-Evolution of Operations Management- Operations Management Functions-Goods and Service Operations - Mass, Craft & Lean Production- Advantages & Disadvantages Relevance of Operations Strategy-Formulating Operations Strategy - Product and Service Design- Process Selection-Continuous-Repetitive-Batch-Job Shop- Project.




Module 2

Concept of Productivity- Problems in Employee, Raw Material and Energy Productivity Forecasting-Forecasting Techniques-Qualitative Techniques-Quantitative Techniques Introduction to Facility Layout Planning-Product Layout-Process Layout- Fixed Location Layout- Hybrid Layouts-Cellular Layouts-Process Flow Charting.






Module 3

Capacity- Capacity Utilization. Work Study- Method Study-Work Measurement Techniques. Plant Location, Managerial use of Break-even Analysis and Make or Buy Decisions, Location Decisions - Problems.

Quality: Total Quality Management - Quality Specifications, Costs of Quality, Continuous Improvement, SPC Tools, Benchmarking, Fail-Safing, ISO 9000, Six Sigma.





Module 4

Introduction to Supply Chain Techniques of Inventory Control-ABC, VED, FSN, MUSIC-3D Analysis- Supply Chain Strategy-Role of Information Technology in SCM-Supply Chain Disruptions-Bullwhip Effect-SCOR Metrics-Extended Supply Chains-Reverse Logistics- Production Planning & Control, Aggregate Planning, Master Production Scheduling (MPS), Materials Requirement Planning, Manufacturing Resource Planning, ERP.





Module 5

World Class Manufacturing -JIT and Lean Manufacturing-Continuous Process Improvement-Principles of Lean Management-Tools Used for Lean Production- Implementation of Lean Systems- Lean Services-Just-in-Time-Push and Pull Scheduling- Issues in JIT Implementation-Kanban System-Poka Yoke -Industry 4.0-Blockchain Technology-AI in Operations.

Behavioural OM - People Related Insights for Operations Problems-More Realistic Prescription for Practice-Considering the People in Customers-Queues and Other Relevant Areas.

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