Electricity,Magnetism, And EM Theory B.Sc 2nd Sem KUK/CRS University

Electricity,Magnetism, And EM Theory B.Sc 2nd Sem KUK/CRS University

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Buy Latest Electricity,Magnetism, And EM Theory (MAJOR/MINOR) Book in English Language for B.Sc 2nd Semester KUK/CRS University NEP-2020 By Thakur publication.Written by Experienced Authors | Fast & All India Delivery |

AUTHORS : Dr. Mahender Prasad Aggarwal, Dr. Prem Singh, Dr. S.k Pandey

ISBN : 978-93-5755-969-0




Electricity, Magnetism and EM Theory


Course Code:  B23-PHY-201




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Vector Background and Electric Field : Gradient of a Scalar and its Physical Significance, Line, Surface and Volume Integrals of a Vector and their Physical Significance, Flux of a Vector Field, Divergence and Curl of a Vector and their Physical Significance, Gauss’s Divergence Theorem, Stoke’s Theorem. Conservative Nature of Electrostatic Field, Electrostatic Potential, Potential as Line Integral of Field, Potential Difference Derivation of Electric Field E from Potential as Gradient. Derivation of Laplace and Poisson Equations. Electric Flux, Gauss’s Law, Differential Form of Gauss’s Law and Applications of Gauss’s Law. Mechanical Force of Charged Surface, Energy per Unit Volume. 






Magnetic Field: Biot-Savart Law and its Simple Applications: Straight Wire and Circular Loop, Current Loop as a Magnetic Dipole and its Dipole Moment, Ampere’s Circuital Law and its Applications to (1) Solenoid and (2) Toroid, Properties of B: Curl and Divergence, 

Magnetic Properties of Matter: Force on a Dipole in an External Field, Electric Currents in Atoms, Electron Spin and Magnetic Moment, Types of Magnetic Materials, Magnetization Vector (M), Magnetic Intensity (H), Magnetic Susceptibility and Permeability, Relation between B, H and M, Electronic Theory of Dia and Paramagnetism, Domain Theory of Ferromagnetism (Langevin’s Theory), Cycle of Magnetization- B-H Curve and Hysteresis Loop: Energy Dissipation, Hysteresis Loss and Importance of Hysteresis Curve




Time Varying Electromagnetic Fields: Electromagnetic Induction, Faraday’s Laws of Induction and Lenz’s Law, Self-inductance, Mutual Inductance, Energy Stored in a Magnetic Field, Derivation of Maxwell’s Equations, Displacement Current, Maxwell’s Equations in Differential and Integral Form and their Physical Significance.

Electromagnetic Waves: Electromagnetic Waves, Transverse Nature of Electromagnetic Wave, Energy Transported by Electromagnetic Waves, Poynting Vector, Poynting’s Theorem. Propagation of Plane Electromagnetic Waves in Free Space & Dielectrics




DC Current Circuits: Electric Current and Current Density, Electrical Conductivity and Ohm’s Law (Review), Kirchhoff’s Laws for D.C. Networks, Network Theorems: Thevenin’s Theorem, Norton Theorem, Superposition Theorem. 

Alternating Current Circuits: A resonance Circuit, Phasor, Complex Reactance and Impedance, Analysis for RL, RC and LC Circuits, Series LCR Circuit: (1) Resonance, (2) Power Dissipation (3) Quality Factor and (4) Band Width, Parallel LCR Circuit.






KUK/CRSU NEP2020/B.SC(English)/2/02
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