(Political Science ) Constitutional Government and Democracy in India B.A Second Sem Bihar

(Political Science ) Constitutional Government and Democracy in India B.A 2nd Sem

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Buy Latest (Political Science ) Constitutional Government and Democracy in India (Major/Minor) Book in Hindi Language for B.A 2nd Semester Uniform Syllabus for all Universities of Bihar AS PER NEP 2020 By Thakur publication.

AUTHORS : Dr. Ambujesh Kumar Mishr , Dr. Upendra Prasad 


ikB~;Øe (Syllabus)

fo"k;& jktuhfr 'kkL= (Subject: Political Science)

MJC 2:  laoS/kkfud ljdkj ,oa Hkkjr esa yksdra=


bdkbZ&1 lafo/kku lHkk vkSj lafo/kku dk fuekZ.k

·         lafo/kku dk fuekZ.k] lafo/kku lHkk esa cgl

·         lafo/kku dk n'kZu ,oa çLrkouk

·         lafo/kku dh çeq[k fo'ks"krk,a

·         ekSfyd vf/kdkj] drZO; vkSj uhfr funs'kd fl)kar


bdkbZ&2 ljdkj ds vax

·         fo/kkf;dk& lalnA

·         dk;Zikfydk& jk"Vªifr vkSj ç/kku ea=hA

·         U;k;ikfydk& mPp U;k;ky;ksa vkSj loksZPp U;k;ky; esa U;k;k/kh'kksa dh fu;qfDr] mPp U;k;ky; ,oa mPpre U;k;ky; dh 'kfDr;k¡ ,oa dk;ZA



bdkbZ&3 lafo/kku dh xfr'khyrk&1

·         la'kks/ku çfØ;k] çeq[k laoS/kkfud la'kks/ku] Hkkjrh; lafo/kku dh ,dkRed ,oa la?kh; fo'ks"krk,a] dsaæ&jkT; laca/k

·         pquko vk;ksx vkSj pquko lq/kkj] lafo/kku esa vkikrdkyhu çko/kkuA


bdkbZ&4 lafo/kku dh xfr'khyrk&2

·         jktuhfrd ny& jk"Vªh; ,oa {ks=h; ny] jkT;iky ,oa eq[;ea=h] jkT;iky dh cnyrh Hkwfedk] LFkkuh;&Lo'kklu


MJC 2: Constitutional Government and Democracy in India


Unit-1: The Constituent Assembly and the Making of the Constitution

·         Making of the Constitution, Debates in the Constituent Assembly

·         Philosophy and Preamble of the Constitution

·         Salient Features of the Constitution

·         Fundamental Rights, Duties and Directive Principles


Unit-2: Organs of the Government

·         Legislature: Parliament

·         Executive: President and Prime Minister

·         The Judiciary: Appointment of Judges in High Courts and the Supreme Court, Power and Functions of High Courts and the Supreme Court.


Unit-3: Dynamics of the Constitution-1

·         Amendment Procedure, Major Constitutional Amendments, Unitary and Federal Features of the Indian Constitution, Centre-State Relations

·         Election Commission and Electoral Reforms, Emergency Provisions in the Constitution


Unit-4: Dynamics of the Constitution-2

·         Political Parties; National and Regional Parties, Governor and Chief Minister, Changing Role of the Governor, Local-Self Government

ikB~;Øe (Syllabus)

fo"k;& jktuhfr 'kkL= (Subject: Political Science)

MIC 2:  laoS/kkfud ljdkj ,oa Hkkjr esa yksdra=


bdkbZ&1 lafo/kku dk fuekZ.k

·         lafo/kku dh çLrkouk

·         lafo/kku dh çeq[k fo'ks"krk,a

·         ekSfyd vf/kdkj] drZO; vkSj uhfr funs'kd fl)kar


bdkbZ&2 ljdkj ds vax

·         fo/kkf;dk& laln

·         dk;Zikfydk& jk"Vªifr vkSj ç/kku ea=h

·         mPp U;k;ky; ,oa mPpre U;k;ky; dh 'kfä;k¡ ,oa dk;ZA


bdkbZ&3 lafo/kku dh xfr'khyrk&1

·         la'kks/ku çfØ;k]

·         Hkkjrh; lafo/kku dh ,dkRed ,oa la?kh; fo'ks"krk,a]

·         lafo/kku esa vkikrdkyhu çko/kku


bdkbZ&4 lafo/kku dh xfr'khyrk&2

·         jkT;iky ,oa eq[;ea=h

·         LFkkuh;&Lo'kklu


MIC 2: Constitutional Government and Democracy in India


Unit-1: Making of the Constitution

·         Preamble of the Constitution

·         Salient Features of the Constitution

·         Fundamental Rights, Duties and Directive Principles


Unit-2: Organs of the Government

·         Legislature: Parliament

·         Executive: President and Prime Minister

·         Power and Functions of High Courts and the Supreme Court.


Unit-3: Dynamics of the Constitution-1

·         Amendment Procedure,

·         Unitary and Federal Features of the Indian Constitution,

·         Emergency Provisions in the Constitution


Unit-4: Dynamics of the Constitution-2

·         Governor and Chief Minister

·         Local-Self Government


Bihar State NEP2020/B.A (Hindi)/2/
48 Items

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