( PSYCHOLOGY ) Foundation of Social Psychology सामाजिक मनोविज्ञान का आधार B.A Second Sem Bihar

( PSYCHOLOGY )  Foundation of Social Psychology Bihar B.A Second Sem

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Buy Latest ( PSYCHOLOGY ) Foundation of Social Psychology Major ( सामाजिक मनोविज्ञान का आधार ) Book in Hindi Language for B.A 2nd Semester Uniform Syllabus for all Universities of Bihar AS PER NEP 2020 By Thakur publication.

AUTHORS : Dr. Rahul Kumar Pandey

ISBN : 978-93-5755-841-9



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Subject: Psychology

MJC 2: Foundation of Social Psychology


Unit-1: Introduction

·         Social Psychology: Definition, Nature and Scope

·         Methods of Social Psychology: Survey and Correlation Methods


Unit-2: Perception and Social Cognitions

·         Social Perception: Meaning, Role of Non-verbal cues.

·         Impression Formation and Management

·         Social Cognition: Social Loafing and Social Facilitation

·         Social Influence: Conformity, Compliance and Obedience

·         Interpersonal Attraction: Meaning and Factors of Interpersonal Attraction


Unit-3: Behavior in Groups

·         Nature, Classification and Functions of Group

·         Group Dynamics, Group Decision Making,

·         Factors Influencing group cohesiveness

·         Intergroup Relations: Prejudice, Sources and Reduction, Techniques


Unit-4: Attitude, Pro-social Behavior and Aggression

·         Attitude: Nature, Components, Formation of Attitude

·         Change of Attitude- Balance Theory, Cognitive Dissonance Theory

·         Pro-social Behavior: Nature, Determinants, Theories

·         Aggression: Nature, Causes and Control


Practical: MJC 2 (P):

·         Attitude Measurement

·         Social Behaviour

·         Social Competence

·         Self-Concept/Self esteem

Bihar State Nep2020/B.A (Hindi)/2/06
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