Organisational Behaviour


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Dr. Saroj Kumar, Rakesh Semwal


                           MBAT201: OGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR

Unit 1

Introduction to Organisational Behaviour

Conceptual Foundation of Organisational Behaviour; Nature and Characteristics; Determinants; Contributing Disciplines; Challenges and Opportunities for Organisational Behaviour, Models and Approaches of Organisational Behaviour, OB and Emotional Intelligence.

Unit 2

Perception, Attitude, and Values: Nature, Process, Importance, Factors Influencing Perception; Attribution Theory of Perception; Issues Involved in Perception: Selective Perception, Halo Effect, Contrast Effect, Projection, Stereotyping; Concept of Pygmalion Effect; an overview of Emotions, Values, Beliefs and Attitudes with Managerial Implications.

Learning: Concept; Theories of Learning: Conditioning, Social Learning, Managerial Implication of Learning Theories.

Motivation: Concept, Major Theories and Prcess of Motivation: Maslow’s Need-Hierarchy Theory; Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory; Mcgregor’s Theory X and Theory Y; Cognitive Evaluation Theory; Goal-Setting Theory; Reinforcement Theory; ERG Theory; Vroom’s Expectancy Theory; Job Design Theory; Equity Theory; Integrating Contemporary Theories of Motivation; Culture-Boundedness of Motivation Theories; Managerial Implications of Various Theories; Linking Recognition Programmes and Reinforcement Theory; Linking Employee Involvement Programmes and Motivation Theories.

Unit 3

Personality: Concept and Determinates; Types and Traits; Major Personality Attributes Influencing Organisational Behaviour; Locus of Control; Machiavellianism; Self-Esteem; Self-Monitoring; Risk-Taking; Personality; Proactive Personality’ Personality and National Culture; Holland’s Typology of Personality and Congruent Occupations.

Leadership: Concept and Functions; Style and Theories of Leadership: Traits, Behavioural and Situational/Contingency Groups of Theories; Inspirational approaches to Leadership; Charismatic Leadership, Transformational Leadership, and Transactional Leadership, Contemporary Leadership Roles; Challenges to the Leadership Construct; Substitutes and Neutralizers to Leadership.

Stress: Concept; Consequences and Sources; Stress Management: Approaches.

Unit 4

Group Behaviour: Groups: Concept and Classification; Stages of Group Development; Group Structure; Roles and Norms; Premise and Issues; Group Decision-Making: Group vs Individual; Groupthink and Groups Shift; Group Decision Making Techniques and Process.

Interpersonal Relationships: Understanding Self and Others; Developing Interpersonal Relationships; Transactional Analysis; Johari Window.

Conflict Management: Concept; Causes; Types; Stages; Effects; Management of Conflicts.

Unit 5

Organisation Power and Politics: Concept; Sources and Classification; Power Tactics; Coalitions; Organisational  Politics: Concept and People’s Response to Organsational Politics, The Concept of Impressing Management.

Organisational Culture: Concept; Dominant Culture; Strong vs Weak Cultures; Creating and Sustaining Culture; Employees Learning of The Culture; Creating a Customer-Responsive Culture.

Organisational Changes: Concept and Forces for Change; Managing Planned Changes; Resistance to Change; Approaches to Manage Organisational Change; Organisational Development; Culture-Boundedness of Managing the Change.

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