Training And Development


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AUTHORS- Vikrant Verma, Nivedita Singh


                                                                                                   20IMG24GH2: Training and Development

Unit – I

Training: Concept and Rationale, Training System and Processes, Trends in Training, KSA’S- Types; Aligning Training with Strategy; Role of Stakeholders in Training Programme; Training Needs Assessment – Organisational Analysis, Operational Analysis, Person Analysis.

Unit – II

Learning Theories: Reinforcement Theory, Social Learning Theory, Goal Theory, Need Theory, Expectancy Theory, Adult Learning Theory and Information Processing Theory. Learning Process, Factors Influencing the Learning Process, Participants Learning Styles; Considerations in Designing Effective Training Programs - Selecting and Preparing the Training Site, Choosing Trainers.

Unit – III

Training Methods: Presentation Methods - Lecture and Audio Visual Techniques; Hands on Methods- OJT, Simulations, Case Studies, Business Games, Role Plays, Behaviour Modelling; Group Building Methods: Adventure Learning, Team Building, Action Learning; Evaluation of Training - Need for Evaluation, Criteria and Approaches; Return on Investment in Training.

Unit – IV

Special Issues in Training and Employee Development: Training Issues Resulting from the External Environment- Legal Issues, Cross Cultural Preparation, Managing Work Force Diversity, School- to- Work Transition; Internal Needs of the Company - Life-Long Learning, Melting the Glass Ceiling, Joint Union Management Programs, Succession Planning, Developing Managers with Dysfunctional Behaviours. Management Development: Characteristics of Managers, Management Development Implications, Sources of Knowledge/Skill Acquisition, Training for Executive -Level Management.

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