Business Mathematics


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BBA, Karnatak University, Fourth Semester
Total Hours: 50                                                                      Work Load 4Hrs. Week
Set Theory; Venn Diagram, Union of Sets, Intersection of Sets, Sub Sets, Complimentary of Sets, Null Set, Difference of Sets, Demogram’s Rule. Permutation and Combination.                                                                   (8 Hrs)
Probability Theory: Definition of Random Experiment, Sample Space, Events, Mutually Exclusive, Equally Likely, Favourable Cases and Probability of Any Event, Independent and Dependent Events.
Conditional Probabilities.
Addition and Multiplication Theorem of Probability for two Events (Statement Only).
Random Variable: Discrete Random Variable, Continuous Random Variable and their Probability Functions, Mathematical Expectation Meaning Definition of Expectation, Variance Covariance of Variables.
Standard Probability Distribution: Binomial, Poisson and Normal Distribution with Definition, Properties and Examples.            (12 Hrs)
Correlation and Regression
Correlation Analysis of bivariant Data, Types of Correlation, Methods of Correlation, and Properties of Correlation, Regression Meaning, Definition, Properties of Regressions. Coefficient, Lines of Regression.   (10 Hrs)
Introduction to Linear Programming, Problem Formulation, Solution by Graphical and Simplex Method, Big Method.
Transportation Problem, Meaning Solution by North-West Corner Rule, Matrix Minima Method and Vogel’s Approximation Method and Testing of Optimality by MODI Method Assignment Problem Meaning and Definition and Solution of Assignment Problem. Game theory; Pure Strategy, Mixed Strategy Saddle Point, Dominance Rule and Solution by Graphical Method.     (20 Hrs) 
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