MGKVP/RTMNU History of Indian Education Book for B.Ed 4th Semester

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Buy Latest History of Indian Education Book for B.Ed 4th Semester Book in English specially designed for MGKVP/RTMNU ( Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith & Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University) By Thakur publication.

Dr. Preeti Pendharkar and Dr. Kalyani Manmode.
According to the syllabus of ‘Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith, Varanasi’
a)      Ancient Indian Education – Vedic Education, Buddhist Education, Method of teaching, characteristics, teaching and learning centers.
b)      Development of Medieval Education – characteristics, methods of teaching and organization of teaching.
c)      British Education – Macaulay‘s Education plan, nature of education on the basis of Wood‘sEducational dispatch. Their impact on programmes & policies in education.
a)      Recommendations of different commissions in the development of Education.
i)        University Education commission (1948).
ii)      Secondary Education commission (1953).
iii)    Education commission (1964)
b)      New Education Policy 1986 and recommendations relevant to present educational policies, recommendations of National Knowledge Commission-2005.
a)      Primary Education – Problem of Wastage and Stagnation, The intervention in respect of the Universalisation of Primary Education. Yashpal committee.
b)      Effectiveness of Programs run by informal and open schools, Burden in learning, Minimum Learning level, improvement in examination system.
a)      Secondary Education – Historical perspective, Structure, Organization, General problems,Vocationalisation of Education, Economic problems, Examination Reforms upto secondary level.
b)      Study of problems related to equality of educational opportunities, religious and value education, women and adult Education. 
MGKVP/RTMNU2020/B.Ed/4th Sem/03
77 Items

Not enough details

Although it could have been a great subject, but the authors did not pay attention to the details. They seemed to be rushing thru the contexts. The language quality is poor as well.

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