Contemporary India And Education


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ISBN- 978-93-87093-59-1

AUTHOR- DR. Prem Prakash Pandey

Dr. Mohan Lal


Unit 1: Constitution of India and Education

1)      Concurrent status of education

2)      Policies, Acts and Provisions related to education

3)      Education of marginalized and socially disadvantaged segments

4)      Education and Fundamental Rights and Duties: Articles 14, 15, 16, 30 and 51A

5)      Directive Principles of State Policies

6)      Right to Education (RTE) Act 2009

Unit 2: Review of Education Commissions and Policies in India

1)      Prominent characteristics of education in India during colonial rule

2)      Critical appraisal of recommendations of following commissions

i)        Secondary Education commission (1952-53)

ii)      Indian Education Commission (1964-66)

iii)    National Policy of Education (1986)

iv)    Ramamurthy Education Commission (1990)

v)      Programme of Action (1992)

3)      National Curriculum Framework 2005: Needs and Objectives

Unit 3: Contemporary Issues in Indian Education

1)      Universalization of Elementary Education and related issues such as MDM, SSA and RMSA

2)      Issues and Debates on Globalization, Liberalization and Privatization

3)      Common School System

4)      Vocationalisation of Education

5)      Three Language Formulas

6)      Open learning and distance education System

7)      Modernization: Concept, Advantages & Disadvantages

Unit 4: Emerging Concerns of Indian Society and Education

1)      Culture and Education

2)      Democracy and Education

3)      Inequalities in ancient, medieval and modern education

4)      New Economic Reforms and their impact on Education

5)      Education for Technological Empowerment

6)      Role of teacher in the context of Universal Education

7)      Reservation as an egalitarian Policy

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