Pedagogy of English


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Dr. Shashi Yadav, Nandita Sarkar
According to the syllabus ofUniversity of Rajasthan B.Ed, First Year
Unit I: Foundation of English Language Teaching
  • Concept of language, language acquisition, language-learning.
  • Forms of English – formal, informal, written and spoken.
  • Importance of teaching English.
  • Principles of second language teaching.
  • Difference between teaching of content based subjects and skill based subjects.
  • Objectives of teaching English language:
a) Skill based LSRW.
b) Competency based linguistic competence and communicative competence.
Unit II: Teaching of English Language Skills
  • Listening
1)      Concept of listening in second language,
2)      The phonetic elements involved in listening at the receptive level (Monopthongs, Diphthongs, Consonants, Pause, Juncture, Stress, Accent, Beat, Intonation, Rhythm),
3)      Listening skills and their sub-skills,
4)      Techniques of teaching-listening, Role of teaching aids in teaching-listening skills,
5)      Difference between hearing and listening.
  • Speaking, concept of speaking in English as a second language, Phonetic transcription, Use of pronouncing dictionary. The phonetic elements involved in speaking at the receptive level, Technique of teaching speaking skills and pronunciation practice and drills – ear training, repetition, dialogues and conversation.
  • Reading Skills: Concept of reading in second language, Mechanics of reading (Eye span, Pause, Fixations, Regression and Speed),Types of reading – Skimming, Scanning, Silent reading, Reading aloud, Intensive reading, Extensive reading, Genuine reading comprehension , Relating teaching of reading to listening and speaking skills, Role of text book.
  • Writing Skills: Concept of writing in first language and the second language, Types of composition – oral, written, controlled, guided, contextualised and integrated composition. Teaching the following items keeping in view their style, ingredients and mechanics; Letters (Formal and Informal), Essay, Report, Telegram, E-mail, Notice, Précis, Paragraph, Developing Stories, Note making, Correction of Written Work.
Unit III: Methodology and Planning of English Language Teaching
  • Approaches, methods and techniques, Whole language approach, Structural-situational approach, Communicative approach, Task based approach, Eclectic approach, Direct method, Bilingual Method, Audio-lingual method CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) and CALT (Computer Assisted Language Teaching), Role play, Simulation, Group work and Drill technique, Study the above approaches and methods in the light of Psychological factors affecting second language learning – Nature of English language – Classroom environment and conditions – Language functions, Planning of English language teaching , Annual plan, unit plan and daily lesson plan – Prose lessons – Content analysis, Poetry lessons – Components of poetry – The place of poetry teaching in school curriculum – Concept, aims and objectives of teaching poetry in second language, Grammar lessons – Planning for teaching Grammar and usage – sentence (Affirmative, Negative, Interrogative, Simple, Compound, Complex), Verb-patterns, Question tag, Determiners, Model Auxiliaries, Tenses, Infinitives, Gerunds, Phrasal verbs and idioms, Concord, Active and passive voice, Direct and indirect speech, Punctuations.
Unit IV: Resources in English Language Teaching
  • Concept and use of A.V. aids in the teaching of English
  • Resources for Teaching and learning English-Text books, work books, teacher’s hand books, charts, pictures, flash cards, flannel board, tape-recorder, radio, OHP, substitution tables, computer, realia, newspapers, magazines, brochures, blackboard, white board, Songs, Stories and anecdotes, Language laboratory and Language games. Use of community resources and media for language development, Qualities, Responsibilities and Professional ethics of language teacher.
Unit V: Assessment and Evaluation in English
  • Concept of assessment and Evaluation in English, Concept, Need and Techniques of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) in English. Types of tests – Achievement test, Proficiency test, Diagnostic test, Prognostic test. Testing language skills, Lexical and Structural items, Poetry and Grammar. Preparation of an Achievement test. Concept and need of remedial teaching. 
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