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AUTHORS-Prof. Dr. Moon Moon Paithankar, Patil Yogesh Vijay, Prof. Mayuri Padhye



Subject Code: 504






Unit 1: Introduction to Python

1.1    History, feature of Python, setting up path, working with python Interpreter, basic syntax, variable and data types, operators

1.2    Conditional statements-If, If-Else, nested if-else, Examples.

1.3  Looping-For, While, Nested loops, Examples

1.4  Control Statements-Break, Continue, Pass.

1.5 String Manipulation-Accessing String, Basic Operations, String Slices, Function and Methods, Examples.

1.6 Lists-Introduction, accessing list, operations, working with lists, function & methods.

1.7 Tuple-Introduction, Accessing tuples, operations working, function & methods, Examples.

1.8 Dictionaries-Introduction, Accessing values in dictionaries, working with dictionaries, properties, function, Examples.

1.9 Functions-Defining a function, calling a function, types of function, function arguments, anonymous function, global & local variable, Examples.





Unit 2: Modules and Packages

2.1Built in Modules

2.1.1 Importing modules in python program

2.1.2 Working with Random Modules.

2.1.3 E.g. - built-ins, time, date time, calendar, sys, etc

2.2 User Defined functions

2.2.1Structure of Python Modules

2.3 Packages

2.3.1 Predefined Packages

2.3.2User defined Packages




Unit 3: Classes ,Objects and Inheritance

3.1 Classes and Objects

3.1.1 Classes as User Defined Data Type

3.1.2 Objects as Instances of Classes

3.1.3 Creating Class and Objects

3.1.4 Creating Objects By Passing Values

3.1.5 Variables & Methods in a Class

3.2 Inheritance

3.2.1 Single Inheritance

3.2.2 Multilevel Inheritance

3.2.3 Multiple Inheritance

3.2.4 Hybrid Inheritance

3.2.5 Hierarchical Inheritance

3.2.6 IS-A Relationship and HAS-A Relationship




Unit 4: Exception Handling

4.1 Python Exception

4.2 Common Exception

4.3 Exception handling in Python (try-except-else)

4.4 The except statement with no exception

4.5 Multiple Exception

4.6 The try-finally clause

4.7 Custom Exception and assert statement




Unit 5: GUI Programming

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Tkinter programming

5.4 Tkinter widgets

5.5 Frame

5.6 Button

5.7 Label

5.8 Entry




Unit 6: Python Libraries

6.1 Statistical Analysis- NumPy, SciPy, Pandas, StatsModels

6.2 Data Visualization- Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly

6.3 Data Modelling and Machine Learning- Scikit-learn, XGBoost, Eli5

6.4 Deep Learning- TensorFlow, Pytorch, Keras

6.5 Natural Language Processing (NLP)- NLTK, SpaCy, Gensim



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