Gender School & Society (लिंग, विद्यालय एवं समाज)


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ISBN No.- 978-93-89294-71-2

 Authors- Dr. Ravi Prakash Tiwari, Dr. Anil Mani Mishra, Kirtan Yadav

Gender, School and Society

Unit-I: Sex and Gender

1)      Psychological and Sociological perspectives.

2)      Radical Feminism- Gender, patriarchy, reproductive technology, and motherhood.

3)      Socialist – Feminis;-class, gender and division.

4)      Indian Women- Family, caste, class, culture, religion and social system.

Unit-II: Social construction of gender

1)      Socialization.

2)      Family.

3)      Gender identity; the media, gender roles and stereotypes; class, caste, community and

4)      gender relations.

Women Education and Law

1)      Women access to and participation in formal education.

2)      Women and non-formal education.

3)      Media and women.

4)      National effort to protect women’s rights.


Unit-III: Gender inequalities in schooling

1)      Organisation of schooling.

2)      Gender bias in text books.

3)      Curricular choices and hidden curriculum (teacher attitude, classroom interaction and

4)      peer culture).

Gender and Schooling –Education for gender equity-

1)      Case studies of interventions in school education.

2)      Reflections from the field and strategies for change .

Unit-IV: Education and Empowerment of Women-

1)      Concept and importance.

2)      Women and sustainable development.

3)      Special role of women as protector of environment.

4)      Waste management and women.

5)      Women as workers.


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