Creating Inclusive Education (समावेशी शिक्षा का सृजन)


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ISBN No.- 978-93-89294-70-5

Authors- Sunil Kumar Pandey , Umesh Kumar Tiwari

Creating Inclusive Education

Unit I: Preparation for Inclusive Education:

1)       Concept and meaning of diverse needs.

2)       Educational approaches and measures for meeting the diverse needs- concept of remedial education, special education, integrated education and inclusive education.

3)       Brief account of existing special, integrated and inclusive education services in India.

4)       Building inclusive learning friendly classrooms, overcoming barriers for inclusion.

5)       Creating and sustaining inclusive practices.

6)       Role of teachers, parents and other community members for supporting inclusion of children with diverse needs.

Unit II: Children with Diverse Needs and Utilization of Resourses:

1)       Definition and characteristics of children with sensory( hearing, visual and physically challenged)intellectual ( gifted, talented and children mentally challenged children), developmental disabilities( autism, cerebral palsy, learning disabilities), social and emotional problems , scholastic backwardness, underachievement , slow learners , children with special health problems, environmental/ecological difficulties and children belonging to other marginal groups.

2)       Importance of early detection, Functional assessment for development of compensatory skills.

3)       Role of teachers working in inclusive settings and resource teacher in developing and enriching academic skills for higher learning.

4)       Adaptations in instructional objectives , curriculum and co-curricular activities for meeting diverse needs of children from sensory, intellectual, learning disabled, rural, tribal, girls, SC/ ST and linguistic and other minority groups.

5)       Role of technology for meeting diverse needs of learners

Unit III: Curriculum  Adaptation and Evaluation

1)       Curriculum adaptations and evaluation for children with diverse needs Concept meaning and need for curriculum adaptations for children with sensory (hearing, visual and physically challenged) intellectual (gifted, talented and children mentally challenged children), developmental disabilities (autism, cerebral palsy, learning disabilities), social and emotional problems , scholastic backwardness, underachievement , slow learners , children with special health problems, environmental/ecological difficulties and children belonging to other marginal groups.

Unit IV: Teacher Preparation for Inclusive Education:

1)       Review existing educational programs offered in secondary school (general, special education).

2)       Skills and competencies of teachers and teacher educators for secondary education in inclusive settings.

3)       N.C.F 2005 and curriculum for teacher preparation and transaction modes. Roles, responsibilities and professional ethics of an inclusive education teacher and teacher educators.

4)       Evaluation and follow up programs for improvisation of teacher preparation programs in inclusive education programs.


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