Working Capital Management


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Priyanka Singh and Raj Kumar Singh

BBA, Semester-V According to the Syllabus of RCU ‘Rani Channamma University, Belagavi’
Work load: 4 Hours Per Week                   Total Contact Hours: 60 Hrs.
Internal Marks: 20                                                    External Marks: 80
Module-I                                                                             (12 Hrs.)
Working Capital Decisions: Meaning, Concepts, components Importance & Kinds of working Capital. Working Capital Management: Meaning, objectives, Principles, Importance of adequate working capital & consequences of inadequate working capital, Dangers of excessive working capital determinants of working capital operating cycle. Estimation of working capital requirements (problems) important working capital ratios.
Module-II                                                                           (12 Hrs.)
Sources of Working Capital: Financing of long term working capital & short term working capital. Factoring –Meaning mechanism, Functions, types, -merits & demerits.
Module-III                                                                          (12 Hrs.)
Liquidity Management: Cash: meaning, nature and motives for holding cash factors determining cash needs, cash management: meaning, objectives and functions. Optimum level of cash balance- baumol model and miller – or model. Management of cash inflows & outflows management marketable securities. Cash-Budget (Problems).
Module-IV                                                                          (12 Hrs.)
Receivable Management: Definition, Objectives, cost and benefits of receivable. Credit policy & its variables. Types of Credit policy & their merits & demerits, Factors influencing the size of investment in receivables. Control of receivables. Framing optimum credit policy &
average collection period (Problems) (12 Hrs.)
Module-V                                                                            (12 Hrs.)
Inventory Management: Inventory Meaning, components and motives for holding inventory management: meaning and objectives. Cost and benefits of holding inventory. Tools & Techniques of inventory management, stock level, E.O.Q perpetual inventory system ABC analysis & other techniques.
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