LAW OF CONTRACT -I (6 Year Solved Papers ) TP Law Solved Series

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LAW OF CONTRACT -I   (6 Year Solved Papers ) TP Law Solved Series 



Paper Code: LL-102


Law of Contract-I


Unit I: Formation of Contract (Lectures 10)

Meaning and Nature of Contract, E-Contract; Offer/Proposal: Definition, Communication, Revocation, General/Specific Offer, Invitation of Treat; Acceptance: Definition, Communication, Revocation, Provisional Acceptance, Tenders/Auctions


Unit II: Consideration and Capacity (Lectures 10)

Consideration: Definition, Essentials, Privity of Contract, Exception under Section 25; Capacity to Enter Into a Contract; Minor’s Position, Nature/Effect of Minor’s Agreements.


Unit III: Validity, Discharge and Performance of Contract (Lectures 10)

Free Consent; Coercion, Undue Influence, Misrepresentation, Fraud, Mistake; Unlawful Consideration and Object; Effect of Void, Voidable, Valid, Illegal, Unlawful and Uncertain Agreement/Contracts; Discharge of Contracts; Performance; Time and Place of Performance; Agreement, Contract Deed; Impossibility of Performance and Frustration; Breach: Anticipatory & Present


Unit IV: Remedies and Quasi Contracts (Lectures 10)

Remedies: Damages, Kinds of Damages, Remoteness of Damages etc., Injunction, Specific Performance, Quantum Meruit. Quasi Contract (Section 68-72)

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