MIDWIFERY Book ANM Second Year

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MIDWIFERY Book ANM Second Year

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Buy Latest MIDWIFERY Book in English Language for ANM 2nd Year As per Indian Nursing Counscil Syllabus By Thakur Publication. Written by Experienced Authors | Fast Delivery |

AUTHORS: Dr. Margaret Latha Mary , Prof. Sherin P. Alex 

ISBN : 978-93-6180-941-5

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Human Reproductive System

· Female reproductive organs - structure and function

· Menstrual cycle

· Male reproductive organs structure & functions

· Process of conception

ekuo çtuu ra=

· eknk tuukax & lajpuk ,oa dk;Z

· ekfld /keZ pØ

· uj tuukax lajpuk ,oa dk;Z

· xHkkZ/kku dh çfØ;k



Female Pelvis and foetal skull

· Structure of thenpelvic bones-types ofnpelvis

· Pelvic diameters

· Muscles and ligaments of pelvic floor

· Foetal skull : bones, diameters, sutures, size, shape, moulding, skull areas, fontanelles

efgyk Jksf.k ,oa Hkwz.k dh [kksIkM+h

· Jksf.k gfM~M;ksa dh lajpuk&Jksf.k ds çdkj

· Jksf.k O;kl

· Jksf.k ry dh ekalisf'k;k¡ vkSj fyxkesaV

· Hkwz.k dh [kksIkM+h& gfM~M;k¡] O;kl] Vkads] vkdkj] vk—fr] eksfYMax] diky {ks=] Q‚UVkusy



Foetus and placenta

· Growth and development of foetus, foetal sac and amniotic fluid and foetal circulation and changes after birth

· Structure and functions of placenta, membranes and umbilical cord and abnormalities Refer SBA module of Ministry of health and Family Welfare

Hkzw.k ,oa IyslsaVk

· Hkzw.k] Hkzw.k FkSyh vkSj ,efu;ksfVd æo dh o`f) vkSj fodkl rFkk tUe ds ckn Hkzw.k ifjlapj.k vkSj ifjorZu

· IyslsaVk] f>Yyh vkSj xHkZuky dh lajpuk vkSj dk;Z rFkk vlkekU;rk,a LokLF; vkSj ifjokj dY;k.k ea=ky; ds SBA e‚Mîwy dks ns[ksa



Normal pregnancy

· Signs and symptoms of pregnancy

· various diagnostic tests for conformation of pregnancy

· Physiological changes during pregnancy

· Minor ailments during pregnancy and their management Refer SBA module of Ministry of health and family Welfare

lkekU; xHkkZoLFkk

· xHkkZoLFkk ds ladsr ,oa y{k.k

· xHkkZoLFkk dh iqf"V ds fy, fofHkUu uSnkfud ​​ijh{k.k

· xHkkZoLFkk ds nkSjku 'kkjhfjd ifjorZu

· xHkkZoLFkk ds nkSjku gksus okyh NksVh&eksVh chekfj;k¡ vkSj mudk çca/ku LokLF; vkSj ifjokj dY;k.k ea=ky; ds SBA e‚Mîwy dks ns[ksa



Antenatal Care

· Registration

· Taking history of a pregnant woman.

· Physical examination, Investigation - routine and specific

· Prophylactic medications

· Need based health information and guidance

· Nutrition in pregnancy

· Special needs of a pregnant woman.

· Involvement of husband and family.

· Identification of high risks cases anc referral

· Preparation of mother for delivery. Refer SBA module of Ministry of health and Family Welfare

çloiwoZ ns[kHkky

· iathdj.k

· xHkZorh efgyk dk bfrgkl ysukA

· 'kkjhfjd tkap] tkap & fu;fer vkSj fof'k"V

· jksxfujks/kh nok,¡

· vko';drk vk/kkfjr LokLF; tkudkjh vkSj ekxZn'kZu

· xHkkZoLFkk esa iks"k.k

· xHkZorh efgyk dh fo'ks"k t:jrsaA

· ifr vkSj ifjokj dh HkkxhnkjhA

· mPp tksf[ke okys ekeyksa dh igpku vkSj jsQjy

· çlo ds fy, ek¡ dh rS;kjhA LokLF; vkSj ifjokj dY;k.k ea=ky; ds SBA e‚Mîwy dks ns[ksa



Normal Labour

· Onset and stages of labour, physiological Changes

· Changes in Uterine muscles, and cervix

· Lie, attitude, position, denominator and presentation of foetus.

· Foetal skull,

· Mechanisms of labour Identification of high risk cases, foetal distress and maternal distress during labour

· Partograph in the management of the normal labor Role of ANM/Female health worker and referral Refer SBA module of Ministry of health and Family Welfare

lkekU; çlo

· çlo dh 'kq#vkr vkSj pj.k] 'kkjhfjd ifjorZu

· xHkkZ'k; dh ekalisf'k;ksa vkSj xHkkZ'k; xzhok esa ifjorZu

· Hkzw.k dh fLFkfr] fMuksfeusVj] fLFkfr] Hkktd vkSj çLrqfrA

· xHkZ djksfV]

· çlo ds ra= mPp tksf[ke okys ekeyksa dh igpku] çlo ds nkSjku Hkzw.k dh ijs'kkuh vkSj ekr` ijs'kkuh

· lkekU; çlo ds çca/ku esa ikVksZxzkQ ANM/efgyk LokLF; dk;ZdrkZ dh Hkwfedk vkSj jsQjy LokLF; vkSj ifjokj dY;k.k ea=ky; ds SBA e‚Mîwy dks ns[ksa



Care during normal labour

· History of labour

· Importance of five 'C's

· Monitoring progress of labour with partograph preparation for delivery

· Care of mother in first and second stage of labour

· Assist and conduct childbirth

· Immediate care of new-borndelivery resuscitation, apgar score, cord care

· Oxytocin Misoprostol drugs: Dose, route, indication, contraindication, action, side effects precautions, role and responsibilities of  ANM/FHW

· Delivery of placenta and examination of placenta

· Care of mother in third and fourth stage: Recognise degrees of tear and appropriate care and referral

· Establishment of breast feeding, exclusive breast feeding

· Kangaroo mother care

· Baby friendly hospital initiative

· Record childbirth and ensure birth registration Refer SBA module of Ministry of health and Family Welfare

lkekU; çlo ds nkSjku ns[kHkky

· çlo dk bfrgkl

· ik¡p 'C' dk egRo

· çlo ds fy, ikVksZxzkQ dh rS;kjh ds lkFk çlo dh çxfr dh fuxjkuh

· çlo ds igys vkSj nwljs pj.k esa ek¡ dh ns[kHkky

· çlo esa lgk;rk djuk vkSj mldk lapkyu djuk

· uotkr f'k'kq dh rRdky ns[kHkky] çlo iquthZou] vixkj Ldksj] xHkZuky dh ns[kHkky

· v‚DlhVksflu felksçksLVksy nok,¡& [kqjkd] ekxZ] ladsr] çfr"ks/k] fØ;k] nq"çHkko] lko/kkfu;k¡] ANM/FHW dh Hkwfedk vkSj ftEesnkfj;k¡

· IyslsaVk dk çlo vkSj IyslsaVk dh tk¡p

· rhljs vkSj pkSFks pj.k esa ek¡ dh ns[kHkky& QVus dh fMxzh dks igpkuuk vkSj mfpr ns[kHkky vkSj jsQjy

· Lruiku] fo'ks"k Lruiku dh LFkkiuk

· daxk: ek¡ dh ns[kHkky

· f'k'kq ds vuqdwy vLirky igy

· çlo dk fjd‚MZ j[kuk vkSj tUe iathdj.k lqfuf'pr djuk LokLF; vkSj ifjokj dY;k.k ea=ky; ds SBA e‚Mîwy dks ns[ksa



Normal puerperium

· Physiological Changes during postnatal period

· Postnatal assessment

· Minor ailments during puerperium and their management

· Care of mother-diet rest, exercise, hygiene

· Management of breast feeding.

· Prophylactic medicines

· Special needs of postnatal women

· Need based health education. Refer SBA module of Ministry of health and Family Welfare

lkekU; çloksÙkj vof/k

· çloksÙkj vof/k ds nkSjku 'kkjhfjd ifjorZu

· çloksÙkj ewY;kadu

· çloksÙkj vof/k ds nkSjku gksus okyh NksVh&eksVh chekfj;k¡ vkSj mudk çca/ku

· ek¡ dh ns[kHkky&vkgkj] vkjke] O;k;ke] LoPNrk

· Lruiku dk çca/kuA

· jksxfujks/kh nok,¡

· çloksÙkj efgykvksa dh fo'ks"k t:jrsa

· t:jr vk/kkfjr LokLF; f'k{kkA LokLF; vkSj ifjokj dY;k.k ea=ky; ds SBA e‚Mîwy dks ns[ksa



Care of New-born

· Assessment of new born for gestation age, risk status and abnormalities

· Neonatal resuscitation

· Monitoring of vital signs and birth weight

· Management of normal new-born and common minor disorders.

· Exclusive Breast feeding and management

· Temperature maintenance, kangaroo mother care

· Immunization

· Care of newborn: Jaundice, infection, respiratory problems

· Principles of prevention of infection

· Educating

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